Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Common Sense Government

We need the smaller, more focused government described in the US Constitution (as originally written). The US federal government has over-subsidized healthcare and education to the point that costs are unsustainable. They need to reduce these subsidies by 10% per year for the next 10 years and return these industries to the free market so that consumers can control the prices.

They also need to begin giving federal lands back to the States to sell to private tree farmers and ranchers to reduce the annual forest fire damage.

Government is overpriced and underperforming.  Congress needs to begin to take back their responsibility to write the regulations that enforce their laws and end the “deep state”. Bills and all associated regulations need to be voted on together, so that legislators can see exactly what they are doing. 

Campaign contributions need to be restricted to only allow registered voters to contribute to politicians that appear on their ballots. This levels the playing field and allows elected officials to stop spending all of their time fund-raising.

Government is dysfunctional and needs to be purged. The Deep State can be dismantled most easily by sending all unconstitutional departments, agencies and program to the States and the People to comply with the 10th Amendment.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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