Friday, November 30, 2012

Spotted Owl

Feds to Designate 9.6 Million Acres as 'Critical Habitat'
for Spotted Owl
(TheBlaze/AP) - The northern spotted owl is expected to be  
allocated roughly 9.6 million acres of forest land to protect it
from extinction- roughly twice what was dedicated during
the Bush administration in 2008.
This is how they take away our property. they use the
Endangered Species Act which was "created" thru the UN.   
This is how they collapsed our paper industry.  Area that they
want to take away from us and then note the list of the  
"UNSUSTAINABLE" items. timber is one thing we are NOT
ALLOWED to keep. how do you think they are going to
remove TIMBER as in WOOD out of our "environment". They
block us using a warm and fuzzy animal!
In this May 8, 2003, a northern spotted owl named Obsidian
by U.S. Forest Service employees sits in a tree in the
Deschutes National Forest near Camp Sherman, Ore.
The full > "critical habitat" plan will not be published until next
week, but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced
that areas of Oregon, Washington and Northern California will
come under its provisions, almost all of it federal lands
The amount is down from nearly14 million acres proposed last
February,but far exceeds the 5.3 million acres proposed in 2008.
The biggest cut came in private timberlands -1.3 million acres.
State forests covering 271,000 acres remain.
Following a directive last February from the White House, officials
revised the latest plan to make room for thinning and logging inside
critical habitat to reduce the danger of wildfire and improve the
health of forests.
Noah Greenwald of the Center for Biological Diversity said it
appeared the critical habitat plan and the previously adopted owl
recovery strategy were back in line with the Northwest Forest Plan
adopted in 1994 to protect owls and salmon.
"In restoring extensive protections on federal lands, today's
decision .marks the end of a dark chapter in the Endangered
Species Act's implementation when politics were allowed to
blot out science," he said."The owl has continued to decline
since its protection under the Endangered Species Act. Part
of the reason for that is the loss of habitat on private and s
tate lands."
But Dominick DellaSala, chief scientist for the GEOS Institute
and a former member of the spotted owl recovery team,
objected to plans to log and thin forests inside the critical
habitat area, saying no studies have been done on how it
could harm the owls. He added that one study shows it
reduces the amount of prey available.
as-critical-habitat-for-northern-spotted-owls> .
"We need to focus on protecting and restoring our remaining
mature and old-growth forests across all lands, so we can recover
endangered wildlife and produce sustainable jobs in rural
communities," Joseph Vaile, the program director of the Klamath-
Siskiyou Wildlands Center in Ashland, Oregon added
habitat-for-northern-spotted-owls> .
The designation of the spotted owl as a threatened species in 1990
triggered a 90% cutback in logging on national forests in the
northwest and similar reductions spread around the nation.
Even so, the spotted owl has seen a 40% decline during the past  
25 years, Fish and Wildlife officials said.
The Bush administration tried to undue some protections for the owls
and other species to allow for more logging, but the effort was turned  
back in court.
The timber industry reserved detailed comment on the latest proposal
until it can look at the full plan.

From the UN Agenda 21 document we get the following:
“UN Biodiversity Assessment Report:  What is Unsustainable?
Paved/tarred roads/highways/rails
Logging activities/harvesting timber
Power line construction
Ski resorts/Golf Courses
Fossil fuels
Agricultural equipment
Grazing of livestock: cows, sheep, goats, horses etc.
Plowing of soil
Building of fences
Dam/reservoirs/straightening of rivers
Single family homes
Private property
Population Growth
Home Schooling”

Source: (TheBlaze/AP) –November 25, 2012, Posted on
November 22, 2012 at 8:40pm by Erica Ritz Spotted Owl
Granted 9.6 Million Acres of Critical Habitat Land | Agenda 21 <>

Forest fires on unoccupied federal land have destroyed the species these clowns wanted to protect in the first place. The Spotted Owl was given 9.6 million acres and it almost killed them.  We had our private property and our ability to make a living taken away. When timber was allowed to be harvested, we had far fewer forest fires and much better forest management.  We need to return to responsible harvesting of trees before the forest fires destroy everything.

My observation of wildlife is that, if left alone, they act in their own best interest, which is more than you can say for us.  I think continuing to sponsor the UN is unsustainable.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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