Sunday, February 24, 2013

Killing America’s Free Enterprise System

At first it was the timber industry that closed.  The spotted owl was the excuse.  Hundreds of companies closed and thousands of families lost their jobs. Now, because of no activity, forest fires are worse and he spotted owl is worse off.

In the 1970s we began to see manufacturing plants move to foreign countries. This has been going on for 40 years.  At the same time, illegal immigrants walked through open borders or landed with temporary visas and all stayed.  They filled the jobs that had been held by American laborers and construction workers as well as jobs that were held by the working poor or even teenagers.  As the years went by legal immigration quotas doubled and redoubled.
Next the fishermen began to lose their jobs…a little here…a little there and now the U.S. fishing industry is lost.
For 40 years we witnessed the federal government limiting our energy production, blocking oil and natural gas drilling and it continues today.
Now family farms and ranches are under attack and our food supply is under attack. County Comprehensive Land Use Plans show farmland planned as wilderness areas. 
The pattern is clear.  Jobs that could be done by individual families like loggers, fishermen and farmers are being eliminated by environmental laws and regulations.
Those who benefit from eliminating the ability of U.S. citizens to earn a living and in global corporations and they own their own politicians.
We have lost the freedom to provide for ourselves.  It took 40 years to take away all means of producing for ourselves. 
Germans didn’t see It coming
In Germany, in 1933, Jewish families didn’t see it coming.  By 1939 it was too late.  Their German neighbors witnessed their arrest and eviction. 
We are ignoring property rights violations
We did the same with the loggers, fishermen and now the farmers and ranchers.  We see the federal government seizing land and printing and spending twice as much money as they collect in taxes.  We see rural county Comprehensive Land Use Plans on line that take away most of their farm land, but do we ask questions about what we see ?  Politicians do not answer.  Newspapers do not report.  It’s time to raise hell.
There was a plan in Germany and there is a plan being implemented by the US federal government to destroy our rights, freedom, sovereignty and economy.  It’s UN Agenda 21 and it is in its twelfth year of implementation and it needs to be stopped.
 Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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