Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ebola and Gun Confiscation

Ebola Outbreak can lead to Gun Confiscations, Martial Law
The Obama administration is perpetrating the conditions required for a government-declared crisis
Gun confiscations and martial law are both plausible government responses to an Ebola outbreak in America considering recent policies by the Obama administration and the fact that the military has been preparing for domestic deployment for the past several years.
Back in 2009, CNN reported that U.S. Northern Command (Northcom) wanted to “establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities” in the event of a severe outbreak in America.
“The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency,” wrote CNN correspondent Barbara Starr. “There is no final decision on how the military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include personnel from all branches of the military.”
A few months prior, Air Force General Victor Renuart said Northcom would provide “assistance in support of civil authorities” during an epidemic, adding “when requested and approved by the Secretary of Defense or directed by the President, federal military forces will contribute to federal support.”
But Renuart also said that “U.S. Northcom does not wait for that call to action.”
Since then, the federal government created a new domestic command structure in which, during a government-declared emergency, the military police would work under FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security for domestic operations with the National Guard.
This command structure was leaked by a former MP, who secretly recorded a military briefing last September in which an army commander briefed him and other MPs on their domestic duties with FEMA during martial law, including escorting federal officials as they confiscate firearms from Americans.
“They did that in Katrina, right,” the commander said. “They just go on and take away people’s guns.”
But to make things even worse, top military brass have been giving litmus tests to officers, from generals down to sergeants, asking them if they will disarm or even fire on U.S. citizens, according to retired U.S. Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith.
“Going back to the beginning of this administration, I’ve had friends within the community talking about how they were brought in and questioned with people from more towards the top side,” Smith told Infowars. “The questioning resulted in … do you feel comfortable disarming American citizens?”
“You can see that now with the shoving of a lot of the officers and stuff like that. We don’t have 100% track on it, but there’s a lot of funny things happening within the military.”
This likely explains the removal of at least 197 military officers by the White House in the past five years.
And in power grabs directly pertaining to the current Ebola crisis, last week President Obama granted himself the power to apprehend and detain Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness” and the Center for Disease Control is even ready to quarantine Americans who are not sick at all.
“Such stringent regulations have led to fears that an outbreak of a dangerous communicable disease in the United States would lead to massive abuse of power by the federal government and the imposition of martial law,” journalist Paul Joseph Watson wrote.
By opening America’s borders and by allowing Ebola patients into the U.S., the Obama administration is perpetrating the conditions required for a government-declared crisis which could easily result in the deployment of military assets within the country and the disarmament of Americans.
The Obama administration is placing its chess pieces on the board to checkmate gun owners, and a potential Ebola outbreak could be just the crisis that leads to such an endgame.

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