Saturday, October 11, 2014

We Need a Republican US Senate

All Georgians need to vote Nov 4. Low Voter turnout supports “more of the same” at the ballot box.  Voter gullibility and apathy have allowed corrupt politicians to remain in office. The resulting damage to our economy has been staggering.  Over the past 6 years, we moved from a sabotaged economy to a failing National Socialist economy.  UN Agenda 21 implementation has further reduced voter control.  Special interests are running the country.  Special interest money has made elective office a rigged game. 

Unless we get out the vote in 2014, we may not have another chance to reverse our economic decline and restore the rule of law.

US Senate is Critical

The past 6 years of wasteful overspending, big deficits and big debt needs to be reversed.  A Republican controlled House and Senate would allow 300 House Bills to finally be presented to the Senate for a vote.  Of course, Obama will want to veto these Bills, but he won’t be able to stop everything.  He will be stuck with a tighter budget and the defunding of the worst programs.

Low Voter Turnout in Georgia in 2013

“It was a low turn out. According to data provided by the secretary of State, only 941306 out of 5,040,952 registered voters  came out to vote. "The voter turn out was less than 19%". Said a press spokesman at Brian Kemp's office”. 

Granted, the Georgia 2013 election included State House and State Senate seats with few challengers, but it inspired over 80% of Georgia voters to stay home.

Polls oppose Obama

Many past Obama voters are expressing “buyers’ remorse” and we actually have a chance to affect change in this election. We need every legal voter to vote.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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