Thursday, October 2, 2014

What If We Were Wrong?

October 1, 2014

At the advent of the 21st century, our children are being taught an American history markedly different from the record handed down to previous generations. The new narrative is the story of European conquest of native peoples and the endless struggle of identity groups to assert their rights to justice, safety and well-being. It comes with a growing sense of accepting our past failures – including failures of the Fathers of our country – and brings a collective commitment going forward to ensure social justice and equality for all. The rapidly growing chorus of highly-credentialed individuals advocating this post-modern national account across the spectrum of our institutions demands that all of us – particularly those educated prior to this generation – seriously question ourselves. “What if we were wrong ?

What if the founding document of our nation was not the Declaration of Independence?

What if instead it was implemented a Declaration of rebellion? Or an Anarchists’ Manifesto? Instead of simply separating themselves from British rule to operate under their established, time-tested colonial self-governance, what if our Fathers purposed a Machiavellian overthrow of King George and Parliament? What if rather than fighting and winning a separatist movement they made themselves rebels, usurped monarchical power and instituted the very tyranny from which they claimed to have sought escape? What if under a different Declaration every individual was made subservient to a collective identity that denied our very nature and God’s ruler-ship in the affairs of men?

What if the Declaration was never drafted? Would we recognize our individual rights? Could we understand that our rights are inalienable from us simply because we were born? Would we still be so willing to sacrifice ourselves to preserve liberties if we accepted them as handouts from a niggardly State and not gifts of our benevolent Maker? How would government govern? Would it dare constrain itself to its single legitimate purpose of protecting and preserving the rights of all men from one another and from itself? Should government grow so corrupt as to become totalitarian would we still recognize and faithfully exercise our duty to throw it off and seek more sure guards for our future security?

How else but from the words of this Document would we be able to understand that in which our Fathers placed their hope – acts of random chance or the hand of Divine Providence acting time and again on their behalf enabling farmers and shopkeepers to bring the greatest military force on earth to full surrender?

What if the highest law of our land were not our US Constitution?

Would a democratic republic have been formed to acknowledge all political power as belonging to the people to be exercised through duly chosen and proven-worthy agents? Could self-governance have been maintained under a true moral code for the betterment of all? Or would freedom itself have been found too burdensome and people would still have willingly placed themselves under the heel of many masters? Would a separation of powers have arisen to preserve the people from power’s corrupting influence?

Could rule of equal justice under the law still triumph over fiat edicts thrown at us from whimsical men? Could we recognize that government is nothing but force exerted by men upon men with the power to tax which is the power to destroy, taking at will from one to give to another? Would our States have guaranteed themselves republican forms of government? Or could power have stopped itself from aggregating to transform republicanism into democracy of special interests, by special interests, for special interests?

We have allowed a new story of America to be told our children. Those we’ve allowed to rewrite our history seek the overthrow of our culture, supplanting it with the swill of multiculturalism which breeds division and failure, sacrifice of the individual to the collective, barren subsistence and total subservience. We’ve given them the ability to force our children to deny their nature so as to erase their identity. In so doing we make our children into a nation that does not know its Fathers; that is, a byword and a proverb.  

What If We Were Wrong?


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