NBC’s David Gregory Offended
That Ben Carson Wants Gov’t That Follows Constitution, June 3, 2014 By Matthew Burke
NBC’s David Gregory seemed almost taken aback
at Dr. Ben Carson’s desire for a federal government that actually follows the
U.S. Constitution. In an interview with Dr. Carson on Meet the Press‘s
internet-based Press
Pass, Gregory attempted to bait Carson into supporting big,
intrusive, all-powerful government by preaching to Carson about how important
government intervention had been to African-Americans.
“Government intervention certainly mattered for African-Americans legislatively, through the judiciary,” Gregory said. “And certainly beyond just African-Americans, the idea of government stepping in to help people who are left behind certainly shows evidence of working. Do you agree with that? Is that a fundamental role for government,” Gregory asked, hoping that Carson would fall for his “gotcha” question while using a condescending tone.
Dr. Carson answered that what he really hoped for was a government that respected its constitutional limitations.
“I think government in the right way, when it understands what it’s supposed to do is excellent,” Carson explained. “I would love to have a government that placed the Constitution of the United States at the highest level. And….”
NBC’s Gregory then interrupts Carson, appearing aghast and offended that Carson would suggest that the U.S. Government should actually abide by what is truly the law of the land. Gregory called Carson’s words “a highly charged thing to say.”
Source;http://www.tpnn.com/2014/06/03/nbcs-david-gregory-offended-that-ben-carson-wants-govt-that-follows-constitution/ See video of interview.
“Government intervention certainly mattered for African-Americans legislatively, through the judiciary,” Gregory said. “And certainly beyond just African-Americans, the idea of government stepping in to help people who are left behind certainly shows evidence of working. Do you agree with that? Is that a fundamental role for government,” Gregory asked, hoping that Carson would fall for his “gotcha” question while using a condescending tone.
Dr. Carson answered that what he really hoped for was a government that respected its constitutional limitations.
“I think government in the right way, when it understands what it’s supposed to do is excellent,” Carson explained. “I would love to have a government that placed the Constitution of the United States at the highest level. And….”
NBC’s Gregory then interrupts Carson, appearing aghast and offended that Carson would suggest that the U.S. Government should actually abide by what is truly the law of the land. Gregory called Carson’s words “a highly charged thing to say.”
Source;http://www.tpnn.com/2014/06/03/nbcs-david-gregory-offended-that-ben-carson-wants-govt-that-follows-constitution/ See video of interview.
It appears that Ben Carson may not be a
counterfeit conservative announced by Rocco Lucente, (NTL post 11/10/14). In this interview Ben Carson is indicating
that he is a “Constitutional” Conservative defined as one who supports the US
Constitution (as written). If so, Dr.
Carson would be a good candidate for whatever he knows he can do.
The GOP needs to begin to end its
unconstitutional ways and join in. They
rejected Ron Paul and Paul Broun for not voting for unconstitutional
Bills. Given their recent history, they
will probably attack Rand Paul and Ben Carson.
If the GOP promotes more RINOs, we won’t win in 2016. I know that a vote for the US Constitution is
a vote against “short-term: thinking Big Money, but it must be done.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader
It's disgraceful that I've not read all of any of Dr. Carson's books; they're all at the computer center when I go in, but other people keep taking them home!