Saturday, November 1, 2014

Federal Grants to States

Agenda 21 Money Corrupts

Just as campaign contributions corrupted state and national politics, federal grants to states have corrupted local politics to implement UN Agenda 21.

The puppet masters have already planned what these elected officials are expected to do in return for these federal grants.

The incentive for following their orders is the implied threat to “give them trouble” or “not be responsive to their needs”.

Over the past 10 years, we’ve noticed new but unhelpful changes in the way city councils and county commissions are structured and operate.

We were used to electing those who we thought could understand and implement the will of the people. It worked at the city and county level, but we knew that high campaign cost seats would do what their campaign contributors wanted.

Our local officials now act like their decisions are being controlled by unelected regional commissions.

Voters Lost their Say

Voters feel like there is nothing they can do. The puppet masters seem to have control of everything. They have seen bad federal laws passed and bad court decisions.  Now they are seeing bad city council and county commission decisions and money wasted.

The Mousetrap

The plan the puppet masters are requiring can be found in several government documents from the creation of the Federal Reserve through the Iron Mountain Report to UN Agenda 21, all going the same direction, the eventual repeal of your rights.

State implementation has been gradual as well with the Federal requiring the States to establish Regional Planning. This turned into Regional Commissions in 2008.  This structure came from the USSR.  They had appointed Commissars governing each political subdivision.  Legislation was done by the Politburo appointed by the Communist Party Central Committee.  Citizens had no voice. Sound familiar ?

City and county implementation of the puppet master’s plans are being negotiated now, starting with bribes known as federal grants to states.  

Resistance is growing

Numerous city councils and county commissions have repealed UN Agenda 21 implementation plans. There are no reports of retaliation.  The cowardly Communists just slink back into their holes. But they’ll be back. They always come back.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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