Saturday, November 8, 2014

Grants to States Must End

Federal grants of land were authorized in the Articles of Confederation to handle expansion beyond the original 13 Colonies. There were also limited grants given for western expansion, internal improvements, civil disturbances and natural disasters, but seeing the slippery slope leading to outright bribery, Congress made a point to stick to their enumerated powers.

The “Progressive” movement came along around 1870 and pushed for National Parks and other powers beyond federal authority. That led to the early 1900 when what had been beyond federal powers would be expanded to build a maze that would lead us to the federal tyranny our Founders feared.  We are now there.

The federal grant system we recognize today began around 1910 to subsidize the “general welfare”. The funding mechanism would be the Federal Reserve authorized in 1913. These were beyond the enumerated powers and were early violation of the Constitution.

The Federal Reserve Act gave Congress a mechanism for unlimited funding.  Politicians were bribed to tap this slush-fund for everything under the sun.  It also served as a “crisis creating” device to game the system with lose money that caused the stock market bubble that created the Great Depression.  In the 1930s Roosevelt expanded federal control way beyond the enumerated powers and the courts declared many activities unconstitutional, but left the big ones intact.

With the means to create crises and usurp powers with bribes the federal government grew to its current unsustainable size and debt.  Europe copied the U.S. model, and formed Central Banks to print their money  As the federal government added powers, it added departments and agencies created by Congress. Gold and silver no longer backed the dollar or any other currency.

The inflation that resulted from the creation of the Federal Reserve so far made the piece of a loaf of bread go from 2 cents to 2 dollars.  It was clear that the American worker was funding the growth of federal power with another tax called inflation.

Now we’re broke.  We off-shored our economy and can no longer feed the beast.  We are at a crossroads.  We either use the Constitution and the 10th Amendment to remove unlawful powers from the federal government or we toss out the Constitution and become a Marxist Region of a Global Marxist Oligarchy under the UN as clearly described in UN Agenda 21 and the NewStates Constitution.

Knowing that other communist experiments have failed and our free enterprise system will succeed, we have no choice but to demand that our state governments begin to reject federal bribes and reassert state sovereignty over all matters not assigned to the federal government in the Constitution.

Communists now control the federal government, the media and most large corporations.  U.S. voters must make the extra effort to force state governments to act.

We have several unconstitutional federal departments and agencies violating our property rights and other rights. Their regulations will clearly decimate what’s left of our economy.  We need to close them first.

States would nullify all actions and regulations from the federal EPA, Immigration Service, HHS, DHA HUD, Education, DOT and many other agencies.  States would need to prepare to not receive federal grants.

Georgia currently receives $12 billion in federal grants it adds to the $20 billion it takes in state revenue.  Much of the $12 billion is tied to worthless regulatory reporting and mal-investment.  Changes and cost reductions in education and medical care would be necessary.  Changes in campaign finance would also be necessary to remove special interest money.

Georgia could nullify federal laws one at a time, starting with EPA, Education, Immigration, Obamacare and UN Agenda 21 Regionalism. These pose the biggest threat to our economy.

Some agencies like HUD could be nullified immediately because the threat it poses to property rights far outweighs its benefits. This danger vs benefit analysis can also apply to many research grants.

Georgia would keep food stamps, agriculture subsidies and all other aid grants until we reach full employment. Georgia would need to subsidize Education and Medical Care until cost reductions are made for these.

Georgia would need to recoup all federal lands and sell these for productive use over time to fund the shortfalls. It can be done.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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