Saturday, November 1, 2014

Marxists want Global Tax

“Taxation Must Go Global,” Says German Finance Minister
Posted on November 1, 2014 Written by Alex Newman,
In one of the bluntest state­ments on the topic by any glob­al­ist thus far, con­tro­ver­sial Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schäu­ble (shown) openly called for “global stan­dards” and “global gov­er­nance” in tax­a­tion to ensure that gov­ern­ments can con­tinue extract­ing huge sums in taxes from the wealth-producing class in per­pe­tu­ity. In an Octo­ber 30 col­umn, Schäu­ble, who reg­u­larly pro­motes glob­al­ism and domes­tic police-state mea­sures, also touted the global tax-information regime long pushed by social­ists and glob­al­ists just signed in Berlin between more than 120 gov­ern­ments and regimes.
The Ger­man finance chief, writ­ing for the self-styled “world’s opin­ion page” known as Project Syn­di­cate, lam­basted busi­nesses for seek­ing to legally reduce their world­wide tax bur­den by “adapt­ing their struc­tures.” Cit­i­zens, too, must pay more taxes, he argued. In essence, Schäu­ble claimed that because of a glob­al­ized econ­omy and busi­ness sys­tem, human­ity must now sub­mit to a glob­al­ized tax­a­tion regime as well. “Tax leg­is­la­tion has not kept pace with these devel­op­ments,” he wrote, echo­ing calls by glob­al­ists around the world for more plun­der. “They need to be adapted to the eco­nomic real­ity of dig­i­tal services.”
With­out a global sys­tem of what Schäu­ble called “work­able rules,” which of course would require global rulers, gov­ern­ments and dic­ta­tors world­wide are “los­ing rev­enue that they urgently need in order to ful­fill their respon­si­bil­i­ties.” He never spec­i­fies what exactly he believes those “respon­si­bil­i­ties” of gov­ern­ments to be. In the United States, the Found­ing Fathers estab­lished a Repub­lic for the express pur­pose of pro­tect­ing the God-given rights of indi­vid­u­als. By con­trast, count­less other gov­ern­ments around the world have been founded largely to enslave and plun­der the pop­u­la­tion. Some, such as the National Social­ist (Nazi) regime that once ruled Ger­many, were cre­ated to lit­er­ally exter­mi­nate cer­tain classes of “infe­rior” people.
How­ever, based on tyran­ni­cal pro­pos­als Schäu­ble has pushed in the past — rang­ing from extra­ju­di­cial assas­si­na­tion of peo­ple around the world and end­ing innocent-until-proven-guilty pre­sump­tions to deploy­ing the mil­i­tary within Ger­many to sup­pos­edly fight a ter­ror war — it is not dif­fi­cult to infer some of his views on the “respon­si­bil­i­ties” of gov­ern­ments. In fact, the title of his col­umn offers big hints on his agenda, too: “Why Tax­a­tion Must Go Global.” Beyond domes­tic issues, Schäu­ble also pub­lished a book out­lin­ing his views on Germany’s role in what he called the “New World Order.”
Unsur­pris­ingly, crit­ics of the rad­i­cal poli­cies Schäu­ble has advo­cated within Ger­many have brought up the auto­cratic machi­na­tions of Hitler’s National Social­ists (Nazis) and the East Ger­man Com­mu­nist regime’s Statsi in argu­ing against them. Schäu­ble, how­ever, unde­terred by the crit­i­cism, con­tin­ues to advo­cate for crush­ing national sov­er­eignty around the world, beef­ing up the police state under var­i­ous pre­texts, and expand­ing “global gov­er­nance” to more and more areas of life.
To bol­ster his argu­ment for a global tax­a­tion regime, Schäu­ble claims that “the num­ber of tax­pay­ers who make an ade­quate con­tri­bu­tion to financ­ing pub­lic goods and ser­vices is decreas­ing.” Nei­ther “ade­quate con­tri­bu­tion” — as in, the amount of wealth he believes sub­jects must sur­ren­der to the state — nor “pub­lic goods and ser­vices” is defined in the piece. Based on his long career on the tax­payer dole, though, Schäu­ble believes Ger­mans and oth­ers around the world must pay even more trib­ute for the alleged “goods and ser­vices” pro­vided to them by their polit­i­cal rulers.
In a bril­liant exam­ple of what Orwell called “dou­ble­s­peak,” the Ger­man finance min­is­ter goes on to claim that “ten­sions between national fis­cal sov­er­eignty and the bor­der­less scope of today’s busi­ness activ­i­ties can be resolved only through inter­na­tional dia­logue and uni­form global stan­dards.” In other words, the man­u­fac­tured “ten­sion” between national sov­er­eignty and the inter­na­tional econ­omy can “only” be solved by abol­ish­ing national sov­er­eignty in favor of a global regime — or “uni­form global stan­dards,” as Schäu­ble put it. Almost incred­i­bly, he cites the deeply unpop­u­lar, scandal-plagued Euro­pean Union — cur­rently deal­ing with mul­ti­ple eco­nomic crises of its own mak­ing as cit­i­zens try des­per­ately to extri­cate their nations from Brus­sels’ claws — as an exam­ple of how it could be done.
Beyond tax­a­tion, Schäu­ble insists that the glob­al­ist approach he is advo­cat­ing to wealth extrac­tion “can also serve as a global gov­er­nance model for resolv­ing inter­na­tional prob­lems.” Every­thing from finan­cial reg­u­la­tion and the “reg­u­la­tory frame­work” for the “dig­i­tal econ­omy” to plan­e­tary tax­a­tion can be enforced and imposed via what he referred to as “inter­na­tional frame­works” con­cocted by coali­tions of national gov­ern­ments, which he mis­lead­ingly refers to as “coun­tries.” And that is exactly what is hap­pen­ing, as The New Amer­i­can has been report­ing for years.
In his col­umn pro­mot­ing global tax­a­tion, Schäu­ble refers to the “Sev­enth Meet­ing of the Global Forum on Trans­parency and Exchange of Infor­ma­tion for Tax Pur­poses” then tak­ing place in the Ger­man cap­i­tal. Orga­nized under the aus­pices of the glob­al­ist Orga­ni­za­tion for Eco­nomic Coop­er­a­tion and Devel­op­ment (OECD) — essen­tially a car­tel for high-tax gov­ern­ments to bully and crush their lower-tax coun­ter­parts in other coun­tries — the sum­mit in Berlin this week con­cluded with an agree­ment inked on Wednes­day in Schäuble’s “cav­ernous min­istry built for Her­mann Goer­ing under the Nazis,” as the New York Times put it.
In a nut­shell, more than 50 national gov­ern­ments and unsa­vory regimes agreed to put the final nails in the cof­fin of finan­cial pri­vacy — all of it under the guise of extract­ing more wealth from human­ity and grad­u­ally dis­man­tling tax com­pe­ti­tion. Tax col­lec­tors and politi­cians world­wide cel­e­brated, with Ital­ian Finance Min­is­ter Pier Carlo Padoan call­ing the scheme “a pos­i­tive response on a global level to the global cri­sis.” The “global cri­sis” is appar­ently not enough tax rev­enue for bloated and increas­ingly out-of-control gov­ern­ments, which in Europe already con­sume about half of GDP.
The Obama admin­is­tra­tion did not for­mally join the new OECD plot — yet — but the White House has been cru­cial to every step in the process. “The United States has been a very strong sup­porter of every­thing that we are doing,” OECD boss Ángel Gur­ría, a for­mer Mex­i­can offi­cial with the Social­ist International-aligned Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Insti­tu­tional Party (PRI). Social­ist Inter­na­tional, of course, which recently had its own sum­mit hosted by a regime impli­cated in prepa­ra­tions for geno­cide, has been among the loud­est and most pow­er­ful pro­po­nents of the emerg­ing global tax regime going back many years.
While the promi­nent Ger­man politi­cian never men­tioned it in his col­umn, the foun­da­tion for the emerg­ing new world tax regime he was pro­mot­ing and cel­e­brat­ing was actu­ally laid by the Obama admin­is­tra­tion and con­gres­sional Democ­rats in 2010. In a little-noticed pro­vi­sion of a totally unre­lated “jobs” bill, Con­gress included a White House-backed scheme dubbed the For­eign Account Tax Com­pli­ance Act (FATCA).
Under the trans­par­ently fraud­u­lent guise of extract­ing less than $1 bil­lion per year from U.S. tax­pay­ers with assets abroad (enough to run the fed­eral gov­ern­ment for less than two hours, and less than the half-baked sys­tem will cost), the leg­is­la­tion essen­tially cre­ated a de facto plan­e­tary tax regime that turns banks around the world into unpaid agents of the state. In addi­tion to dev­as­tat­ing middle-class Amer­i­cans abroad, the FACTA scheme — bla­tantly uncon­sti­tu­tional from mul­ti­ple angles — was used as the model for the emerg­ing OECD-G20 global tax regime.
Under the CRS [Com­mon Report­ing Stan­dard], tax author­i­ties receive infor­ma­tion from banks and other finan­cial ser­vice providers and auto­mat­i­cally share it with tax author­i­ties in other coun­tries,” Schäu­ble gushed, with­out men­tion­ing the col­lec­tion of gang­ster regimes and implod­ing social­ist autoc­ra­cies that will soon be receiv­ing sen­si­tive pri­vate data on all of their sub­jects from around the world. “In the future, vir­tu­ally all of the infor­ma­tion con­nected to a bank account will be reported to the tax author­i­ties of the account holder’s coun­try, includ­ing the account holder’s name, bal­ance, inter­est and div­i­dend income, and cap­i­tal gains.” In sim­pler terms: Pri­vacy rights, as pro­tected in the Fourth Amend­ment to the U.S. Con­sti­tu­tion, are a thing of the past.
The new global tax scheme will estab­lish what Schäu­ble called “a reg­u­la­tory frame­work for the age of glob­al­iza­tion.” Auto­mat­i­cally vio­lat­ing the pri­vacy of every per­son on Earth with­out even sus­pi­cion of wrong­do­ing, he con­tin­ued, is “a prag­matic and effec­tive response to the per­ceived lack of global gov­er­nance regard­ing inter­na­tional tax issues.” It will also help gov­ern­ments to pro­mote “people’s accep­tance of their tax regimes,” he added, call­ing it a “great suc­cess.” How­ever, there is much more to come, as Schäu­ble and his glob­al­ist com­rades in global tax­a­tion made clear.
Ulti­mately, he con­cluded, the goal is to essen­tially abol­ish tax com­pe­ti­tion between juris­dic­tions as well — elim­i­nat­ing per­haps the sin­gle most impor­tant check on bad gov­ern­ment and wild tax­a­tion that has ever existed. “A ‘beggar-thy-neighbor’ tax­a­tion pol­icy” by which “one coun­try pur­sues tax poli­cies at the expense of oth­ers,” he claimed, is “dan­ger­ous.” Iron­i­cally, per­haps, pros­per­ous low-tax Switzer­land, which has long been in the crosshairs of the global-tax cabal, was recently blasted for its “dan­ger­ous” self-government by the pres­i­dent of Ger­many.
Sup­port­ers of tax com­pe­ti­tion high­lighted mul­ti­ple prob­lems with the move toward the plan­e­tary tax regime. “The trend toward global tax­a­tion is designed to ben­e­fit politi­cians at the expense of tax­pay­ers,” observed Andrew Quin­lan, pres­i­dent of the free market-oriented Cen­ter for Free­dom & Pros­per­ity. “Their goal has long been the elim­i­na­tion of tax com­pe­ti­tion and its many ben­e­fits for tax­pay­ers and the econ­omy.” Brian Garst, direc­tor of gov­ern­ment affairs for the cen­ter, added: “If the IRS scan­dals have proven any­thing, it’s that exces­sive tax­payer and finan­cial sur­veil­lance are incom­pat­i­ble with lib­erty. Lack­ing any sort of elec­toral or polit­i­cal account­abil­ity, it’s a safe bet the OECD’s scheme will lead to wide­spread abuses.”
Indeed, if human­ity hopes to remain (or become) free and pros­per­ous, peo­ple had bet­ter start pay­ing atten­tion to the behind-the-scenes schem­ing of their would-be plan­e­tary rulers. An auto­cratic and truly global tax­a­tion regime is being imposed on the peo­ples of the world right under their noses. And with­out action, the glob­al­ists have no inten­tion of stop­ping there.

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