Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Public School Failure

THE SCHOOL FROM HELL: School Tells Kids, Stop Praying to Jesus, Singing Amazing Grace,  by Todd Starnes, Posted on November 11, 2014
But I bet they’re okay with talking about masturbation, anal sex, homosexuality, cross dressing and how America sucks. -1000pts for that crap school.
Christian students at a Colorado public high school were told they could no longer meet to pray, sing religious songs or discuss religious topics during free time – because such activity violated the U.S. Constitution, a lawsuit filed in federal court alleges.
Chase Windebank is a senior at Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs. Three years ago he started meeting together informally with his classmates for prayer and religious fellowship. The young people would meet in an unoccupied choir room to sing songs like “Amazing Grace” and discuss the issues of the day from a religious perspective.
But all that changed on Sept. 29th when Chase was summoned to the office of Assistant Principal James Lucas.
“He was told that he could no longer pray with his fellow students during free time because of the separation of church and state,” said Jeremy Tedesco, an attorney representing the teenager.
Tedesco is with Alliance Defending Freedom, a law firm that specializes in handling religious liberty cases.
“He was told that he could pray before the school day begins or after the school day ends but he could not do it during the school day,” Tedesco told me.
To make sure Chase got the message – he was hauled into Principal Kolette Back’s office the following day where it was “reaffirmed that his religious speech could not take place during the open time” known as a “Seminar” period.
The lawsuit states: “Defendants Back and Lucas stated that because of the separation of church and state and because they regarded the Seminar period as instructional time, they were banning students’ discussion of issues of the day from a religious perspective during the open time of Seminar period.”
Pine Creek is a part of Academy School District No. 20. A spokesperson for the district confirmed that the group was told to disband in accordance with state law.
“Students were told that, according to state law and district policy, they could meet during non-instructional time,” the spokesperson told me in a written statement. “That is before or after school.”
In other words – the only theology allowed between 7:45 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. is the government’s theology.
The school district’s paltry explanation doesn’t make much sense. So I sent the spokesperson a list of follow up questions:
- Why were the students allowed to hold religious gatherings for the past three years if it was against the rules?
- Was there a change in district policy?
- Or was it possible the district had simply ignored their own policy and allowed the kids to meet anyway?
- Why the sudden crackdown on the religious gathering? Did someone complain?
I’ll let you know when the district spokesperson gets back to me with the answers. So far, it’s been radio silence.
“Public schools should encourage the free exchange of ideas,” Tedesco said. “Instead, this school implemented an ill-conceived ban that singles out religious speech for censorship during free time.”
And that seems to be the case at Pine Creek High School – and here’s the proof – Chase and his Christian friends are still allowed to meet – provided they don’t talk about anything religious or pray.
“Students have the right to pray during the school day and they certainly have the right to use free time to engage in religious expression – like prayer,” Tedesco told me.
The school district’s attorney has also weighed in on the matter – defending the school’s decision to crack down on religious speech and denying they’ve violated Chase’s constitutional rights.
Their argument hinges on a rule that non-curriculum related groups may only meet during non-instructional time. And since Jesus is not a part of the curriculum at Pine Creek High School – His followers must do their worshipping after hours.
“No non-curricular clubs are permitted to meet during that time period at Pine Creek High School,” attorney Patricia Richardson wrote in a letter to Tedesco. “Therefore, Mr. Windebank may resume his prayer meetings at Pine Creek High School, but he must do so during non-instructional time, that is before 7:45 a.m. when classes begin, and after 2:45 p.m., when classes end for the day.”
If that’s the rule, why are they allowing Chase and his friends to meet during free time – provided they don’t mention the name of Jesus?
I’ll let you know when the district gets around to answering that question.
Chase and his fellow Christians are still meeting but their numbers have dwindled in the wake of the ban – in part because they’ve agreed to abide by the school’s demands.
So if you happen to be walking by the choir room at Pine Creek High School you will no longer hear young people praying for their classmates. You will no longer hear teenagers reading from the Bible. And you will most certainly not hear the sweet sounds of Christian young people singing about that Amazing Grace.
Public school administrators and their lawyers have succeeded in suppressing and oppressing the Christian voice at Pine Creek High School.
Nazification in America is messy. The tyranny of the minority will destroy public schools.  School lawyers are convinced that atheist lawsuits will continue to be upheld by Marxist judges. School Boards order forced Religious Discrimination.
Since the Anti-Christian campaign started, parents nationwide have been beating a path to Homeschooling and Private Schooling.  They are making great sacrifices, paying thousands per year for tuition in private schools or limiting their potential dual income to allow one spouse the time to homeschool. Parents are finding Homeschooling is the answer. It allows more freedom and takes less time. It is child-centered and requires no buses, no bureaucracy, no school buildings, no lawyers and little expense.  These parents should not have to pay school taxes.
We need a way to reverse the tyranny of the minority in schools. This is a mousetrap designed by those who want to destroy America from within.  The federal government has no role in education. It is not allowed in the enumerated powers.  States should also eventually withdraw from funding and controlling schools. Before public schools, our homemade system of homeschooling, supplementing with tutors and the little one-room schoolhouse (non-profit) did a better job of educating Americans. Education costs are currently unsustainable.  It’s time to get government out of education and shrink the “deep pockets” target profile of education completely.    
The elephant in the room not noticed is the fact that public schools spend most of their time indoctrinating students with politically correct Marxist propaganda. That is actually another religion where the state-worship is taught.  It began when public schools deliberately began teaching “values”.  If public schools only taught academics, we would all be happier and they would have a lot less trouble.  I don’t want schools to replace parents and churches in religious instruction.  Schools certainly cannot be allowed to conduct political indoctrination.
Churches offer lots of programs for Christian students at the church facilities. Christian students who organize Christian events at public schools are actually protesting that public school’s political indoctrination activities.
All schools need to return to the classical education model. History should be taught to include the economics and living conditions of each era.  Math and Science should be taught simply and honestly. English Literature should give students a study in human nature. Students need to learn how everything works.  Students need to discover what they are good at and love to do.
Currently, History is taught to atone for slavery and glorify Marxism. Math is taught in contorted ways to discourage students from learning it.  Science is taught to convince students that unproven politically correct Theories are Fact, when they are not. English literature is narrow and politicized.  Students are on their own with a poor curriculum and less time to learn anything useful.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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