Sunday, November 2, 2014

Returning Manufacturing to the U.S.

We knew that manufacturing companies were free to relocate anywhere.  We also knew that labor was cheaper in undeveloped countries.  Many of us knew that we had developed our manufacturing processes and automated processes to ensure the highest quality product production.
We thought we would keep highly automated and high speed production plants because we had the technicians who helped develop these processes and the consumers to buy these products, but we were wrong.
The 50% cost savings manufacturing companies could gain by moving operations overseas outweighed the problems they would encounter. So, now many of these companies are gone.
Emerging markets like China and India could provide the engineers and technicians manufacturing companies needed and they provided cash and land and tax holiday incentives.
Also, it looked like energy costs and regulatory burdens in the U.S. would not improve and they could operate without unions as they knew them to be in the U.S.
The EPA was on a tear to close our coal-fired electric plants and our elected nut-bags were throwing billions into unsustainable nonexistent alternatives like wind and solar. Nuclear was already locked up with regulatory bureaucratic gridlock that may never be unraveled.  Things looked pretty bleak.
Then there was Obamacare, mandating 30 hour workweeks. Manufacturing is a 50 hour a week job. The U.S. is implementing European socialism.  Many U.S. manufacturing companies with plants in Europe already knew that nightmare, so Asia and Mexico were the places to go.
Can we get manufacturing back ?
The short answer is yes.  We need to ensure that our energy costs are lowered and our regulatory burden eliminated.  Job killing laws like Obamacare should be repealed and incentives for manufacturing should be offered. We need to own up to the fact that global warming was a UN Marxist power grab scam and remove carbon from the list of pollutants; then quit the UN.
If we could narrow the cost gap we would also be rewarding the Japanese and German and other foreign-based companies with U.S. operations.
What else can we do to boost our economy ?
We need to drastically reduce immigration to the U.S. This includes illegal immigration, legal immigration and refugee resettlement.  I will require closing the borders, repealing current immigration policies and withdrawing from U.N. control. This will eventually solve our high unemployment problems.
When countries are in economic trouble, the answer is to reduce government spending and increase production and productivity.  We need to sell all the oil, natural gas, coal, mineral, timber and food we can produce.
In the US, we also need to reduce the cost of healthcare, education and government at all levels.
We need to restrict the federal government to its enumerated powers by electing Constitutional Conservatives to Congress and the Whitehouse. They violated the Constitution, assumed unconstitutional powers and are technically bankrupt. It’s time to it’s time to transfer these powers to the states
This would result in closing the EPA and most other agencies and transferring that function to the states who would balance the quality of our environment with cost-benefit decisions and use real science as guidance.
We need to defund all UN Agenda 21 implementation and the unnecessary cost of all the federal abuse. We would quit the U.N. and end all harmful and wasteful government to government foreign aid.
We need to reduce the monopoly powers and tax subsidies to corporations and cut the U.S. corporate tax from 35% to 15% or less for manufacturing companies.
We need to restrict campaign contributions and only allow registered voters to make them only for candidates who are on their ballot. That would end special interest money and allow elected officials the time to do their jobs less incompetently.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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