Sunday, November 9, 2014

University Systems are ripe for corruption

Universities are notoriously “political”.  Movies about acrimony within faculty groups don’t do it justice.  Communists rode into University Systems 100 years ago on a “Trojan Horse” called “academic freedom”.  That bluff dissuaded University President from preventing a Marxist invasion.  After a while, non-Marxist PhDs found it impossible to get a teaching job.  Now the faculty, the administration and the board are Marxists.  

The same invasion was taking place in the federal government over the same 100 years. Federal grants for “research” became routine.  Universities are now dependent on federal grants. This is one big socialist club.  Because their political objectives come first in their set of priorities, politically “friendly” results are expected from these “research” grants.  That has given a whole new meaning to “Political Science”.  Now climate science is “political” and the results of their “investigations” will confirm the most scientifically outrageous announcements.  Global warming comes to mind.  Only fervent Evolution parishioners are allowed anywhere near a Biology Department.

“Tenure” was once given to professors who were leaders in their field. Now, “tenure” is granted for Marxist zeal and wile.  Marxist indoctrination has replaced classical education. Asian students who know math can attend engineering classes and they are left alone, but they are respectful and quiet and used to living in a communist country so they keep their mouths shut.  Everybody else is free game; it’s open season on the rest of the student body. This works well because the students who enter these universities come from public schools where they are already spending more time on Marxist indoctrination.

Smart private universities wisely established the policy that faculty members who failed to obtain their research grants will not “be carried” by general funds. It did keep the Sociology Department small for a while and ended the “Nanny College” problem.  State universities were not as wise.  Even in smart universities, relationships with granting agencies were invaluable.

Problems are arising in keeping employees “in line” Universities are using accusations of “hate speech” as one weapon in their arsenal. This might replace calling someone a racist.  I wonder if judges hearing cases of wrongful firing will sign up to being accused of “hate speech” as a valid reason to fire someone ?

Four whistleblower lawsuits have been filed in Georgia to protest firings.  One was for refusing to approve a fraudulent document; a judge sealed the file.  Two others were for making critical comments and judges brushed them aside, so much for “academic freedom”. The fourth one is for “being framed” in a budget debacle and it’s pending in DeKalb Superior Court.

None of these cases involved “hate speech”, but the one for criticizing the University President and the one about making a derogatory comment about a patient come close.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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