Thursday, December 25, 2014

More Illegals Ahead

Feds Preparing for New Surge of Illegal Aliens
Preparations coincide with dismissal of Sheriff Arpaio’s amnesty lawsuit
(Infowars) – On the same day a federal judge rejected a lawsuit against President Obama’s executive amnesty, the Department of Health and Human Services announced it’s preparing for another influx of illegal alien youth.
The Administration for Children and Families, a department within HHS, revealed yesterday it’s seeking companies that can “provide services to unaccompanied children during an influx,” including transportation and shelters.
“In preparation for future influxes of unaccompanied children, Office of Refugee Resettlement seeks information that it may use to develop options for contract surge capacity to shelter and care for these children on a time-limited and expandable basis as needed,” the federal solicitation stated. “Due to the nature of unaccompanied children arrivals, ORR seeks sources for a contract vehicle that is flexible, cost-efficient, and could provide … services on a regional basis throughout the United States.”
Coinciding with this announcement was a White House press release applauding U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell’s decision to reject a lawsuit attempting to stop Obama’s amnesty for five million illegal aliens, which had been filed by Maricopa Co. Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
“Judge Howell’s decision today confirms what the Department of Justice and scholars throughout the country have been saying all along: the President’s executive actions on immigration are lawful,” Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz stated. “The Supreme Court and Congress have made clear that federal officials can set priorities in enforcing our immigration laws, and the actions announced by the President are consistent with those taken by administrations of both parties for the last half century.
“The court correctly dismissed Sheriff Arpaio’s lawsuit.”
Over the past year, both the Obama administration and the U.N. have referred to illegal aliens as “refugees” in an attempt to win public support for amnesty, which explains why the Office of Refugee Resettlement is increasingly involved in illegal immigration issues.
“Following the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) mission, which is founded on the belief that new arriving populations have inherent capabilities when given opportunities, ORR’s Division of Children’s Services/ Unaccompanied Alien Children’s program provides unaccompanied children with a safe and appropriate environment until they are released to an appropriate sponsor while their immigration cases proceed,” the ORR’s web site states.
The federal government, however, was not routinely referring to illegal aliens as “refugees” back in the 1990s when violence in Central America was already widespread.
While many illegals cannot be faulted for wanting to escape violence, they are unfortunately being taken advantage of by the Obama administration which is using them as mere political pawns, and it should also be pointed out that there’s thousands of illegals who are not coming from Central America but across the world.
So far during Obama’s presidency, illegal aliens from over 143 of the world’s roughly 195 countries have crossed America’s southern border.
Economist Milton Friedman said: ‘you can have open borders, or a welfare state, but you can’t have both’. Voters didn’t listen, so here we are. State legislatures need to assert state sovereignty and enforce limits on immigrants entering their state.  The UN gives the orders, Obama follows these orders and the states and the voters pay the price.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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