Friday, February 6, 2015

Stop “Fast Track”

Reject the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement
STOP OUTSOURCING, Protect American Jobs
It's crunch time; the battle has begun, and like Paul Revere we're sounding the alarm.
Unbelievably, the GOP leadership in Congress is ready to give President Obama even more power, unless we tell them No Way!
Obama is asking for "Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority"
the power to job-killing, Constitution-shredding so-called "free trade" agreements without having to consult Congress.
Pat Buchanan says if Congress gives Obama this power it would be "an act of self-castration."
Laura Ingraham says "only a fanatic would think letting Obama sign new trade deals - and bringing those deals to the floor without any chance for an amendment - is a good idea.”
But that's exactly what the Senate and the House are planning to do. This month, they want to rush "Fast Track trade promotion authority" legislation giving Obama more power through Congress.
But it's not too late to stop them. They think We, The People are not paying attention.  You can prove them wrong - be sending a No Fast Track message to your representatives now.
Under "Fast Track"
Congress would surrender its Constitutional responsibility and powers under Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations."
Obama and his corporatist allies would secretly write the job-killing TPP with no Congressional oversight!
Obama would sign the TPP before Congress even voted on it. Congress could not change one word of the TPP deal. Congress would only have an up-or-down vote – no amendments – and Obama even gets to tell Congress when to vote!
Congress would have limited time to debate or examine
the TPP agreement Obama has written in secret. As Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare, Congress would have to approve the agreement to find out what's in it!
It's urgent we let Congress know we oppose giving Obama more power and we expect our Representatives to vote NO on Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority.                              Send a message to Congress now - "Don't Give Obama More Power."  It costs nothing but will make all the
Your message will not be just another email to Congress. We have a legion of dedicated activists on Capitol Hill who
will back-up your email in person with face-to-face meetings with your Congressman so that he knows voters in their district oppose fast track - and expect Congress to oppose it, too. Send a message to your representative in Washington now.
Lou Dobbs, Americans for Limited Government, American Family Association, Eagle Forum, Breitbart, Reason and Laura Ingraham are just a few of the truth tellers exposing this clear and present danger to our jobs, our Constitution and the American way of life.
Now it's up to us to let our representatives know we don't want Congress to give Obama Fast Track power.                 
Together, we will defend our jobs and our country.
Source: C.W. Ellis, Executive Director, American Jobs Alliance

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