Sunday, March 8, 2015

Benghazi Investigation Update

You know House Republicans finally created a select
committee to investigate the Benghazi attacks -- and the deaths of four  Americans.
South Carolina Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy is leading leading the investigation. And he has come under tremendous attack from Hillary Clinton, her campaign apparatus, and the left wing elite media -- he needs
your immediate support.
That's why I'm leading the charge to support Trey Gowdy.  Will you please stop what you are doing right now, and pledge your support by signing your "Statement of Support for Congressman Trey Gowdy?"
You and I both know Congressman Gowdy has shown a talent for tough questioning of administration officials. The select committee under Trey Gowdy's leadership was the first to discover Hillary's use of her own hidden/personal email server.  It's only taken Gowdy a few months to find what other investigations were unable to reveal after years of "oversight." Perhaps, finally...Americans will find the truth out about the Benghazi attacks. That is...only if we can keep the committee doors open.
As you know, previous attempts to uncover the truth were met with stonewalling by Hillary Clinton and Obama administration apologists.
Make no mistake: this stonewalling has EVERYTHING to do with protecting Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming President in 2016. You could hear the desperation in Hillary's own voice when she shrilly yelled, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!!!!" at an earlier fact-finding hearing.
When it comes to going after Bill and Hillary Clinton, you can
never hope to defeat them in the news media -- the elite media loves them.  And the Clintons and their friends in the news media will do everything they can to discredit and Trey Gowdy and his Committee investigating Benghazi.
That's why you and I -- and the American people -- must stand up and stand behind Trey Gowdy and the efforts of his committee.
Will you stand up for Congressman Gowdy by signing your
"Statement of Support for Congressman Trey Gowdy?"
Clearly, Hillary Clinton and those surrounding her think
the deaths of four brave Americans makes no difference. Clinton simply cannot be troubled with anything that might stain the red carpet that has been rolled out for her Presidential run by the liberal elite and their accomplices in the media.
Norb, now that Trey Gowdy's Congressional fact-finding mission has begun to uncover the truth...Gowdy is under tremendous attack from Hillary and the Left, squarely in the crosshairs of the Clintons and their political war machine.
Gowdy needs your immediate support. Democrats are going all out to shut down the Benghazi hearings. Let me explain:
Democrat leaders in Congress are pressuring the House
Administration Committee to tarnish the Benghazi panel's
credibility by questioning the committee's spending in an effort to cripple and even SHUT DOWN Trey Gowdy's Select Committee on Benghazi
In an attempt to prevent Hillary Clinton from testifying, ranking Democrat members of the panel sent Chairman
Gowdy a blistering round of letters accusing him of showmanship and improper hearing procedures.
That's why Stop Hillary PAC is leading the effort to build a
grassroots army to defend and support Congressman Trey Gowdy's efforts to uncover the truth.
This effort starts with your signed personalized "Statement of
Support for Congressman Trey Gowdy." Will you sign so that I can personally deliver your signature along with hundreds
-of-thousands of others to Congressman Gowdy's committee and let Congressman Gowdy know you have his back?
Remember, those that dared to uncover the truth about the Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton affair and Clinton's lies under oath about it? The Clinton's and their friends in the media methodically destroyed the careers and reputations of those that dared to lead the impeachment proceedings, including Congressman Bob Livingston, Bob Barr, Henry Hyde, Newt Gingrich, Helen Chenoweth, and Dan Burton.
Bottom line? If Americans want Congressman Gowdy to uncover the truth about Benghazi and Hillary's role in it, Gowdy will need our support. So please, take just a second of your time to sign the "Statement of Support for Congressman Trey Gowdy."
Here are just a few examples of the  attacks on Trey
Gowdy so far by the Clinton apologists:
Gowdy is a lunatic:  Left-wing publication Mother Jones
has called Gowdy a lunatic because he is a "tea-party true
Gowdy is politicizing Benghazi: Democrat Campaign
chief, Congressman Steve Israel, and Nancy Pelosi are accusing Gowdy of politicizing Benghazi saying, "House Republicans are spending all their time trying to invent new ways to politicize the Benghazi tragedy."
Gowdy is stupid and confused: Ranking Democrat member Elijah Cummings believes Trey Gowdy is stupid and confused saying, "I do not understand what the House Republicans are doing on Benghazi, and apparently they don't either."
Gowdy's hair is unacceptable: MSNBC is attacking
Gowdy's hair. That's right, far-left cable news outfit MSNBC is even attacking Gowdy's hair -- mocking his hair as "unkempt, multi-directional silver locks."
These are just a few of the outrageous attacks Trey Gowdy
is experiencing on a daily basis. That's why your personalized "Statement of Support for
Congressman Trey Gowdy" is so important.  Please click here immediately and let Congressman Gowdy know you have his back. We need to let him know he has the support of Americans across the country and that we will have his back when faced with the mud slinging onslaught that is sure to come his way.
If Congressman Gowdy can finally uncover the truth, then, perhaps we can stop Hillary once and for all...because, she MUST BE STOPPED.
And in order to achieve that goal, WE NEED YOU ON OUR TEAM TODAY.
Source: Senator Ted Harvey

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