Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Beware New Taxing Boards

Government at all levels is on a tear to increase taxes.  In order to justify this, they ignore road, bridge and sewer infrastructure maintenance and spend lots of money on things that bring no value.  See: https://legiscan.com/GA/legislation
Taxing Boards can include appointed Development Boards, appointed Redevelopment boards, appointed Regional Commission boards and appointed boards for Special Tax Districts. 
CIDs, Community Improvement Districts are also formed by retailers and can sell bonds on the come and borrow your money and leave you on the hook.
Cities and Counties should have a maximum Millage Tax Rate in their Charters, but these Charters are easily changed by the state legislature.
Current Georgia Law offers no taxpayer protections from government entities to engage in excessive borrowing.  Georgia Law limits these entities to 10% of all the property on their tax roles. They borrow money using your property as collateral.  It should limit this borrowing to 100% of city or county assets.
After the 2012 T-SPLOST failed, the Georgia Legislature, some cities and counties have been scrambling to get the authority to tax us without our consent.  The money they raise is more for special interest projects than for roads, bridges and sewers.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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