Friday, March 6, 2015

CPAC Vote 2015

In Surprise Twist the Leading Republican Presidential Candidate is NOT a RINO… See Who It Is
For the past several years the Republican base has experienced quite a shake up.
Americans have grown tired of big government. And with so many RINOS leading the way into creating an even bigger and more obtrusive government, voters have begun to shake them loose from their positions of security.
That’s why after CPAC it’s surprising to see it’s not a RINO leading the way when it comes the potential nominee for the presidency.
Take a look and see how the results stack up.
Percent   Candidate
25.7 Sen. Rand Paul
21.4 Gov. Scott Walker
11.5 Sen. Ted Cruz
11.4 Dr. Ben Carson
8.3    Jebb Bush
4.3    Rick Santorum
3.7    Sen. Marco Rubio
3.5    Donald Trump
3.0    Carly Fiorino
2.8    Gov. Chris Christie
1.1    Rick Perry
0.9    Gov. Bobby Jindal
0.8    Sarah Palin
0.3    Mike Huckabee
0.3    John Bolton
0.1    Lindsey Graham
0.1    George Pataki
3007 votes were cast at CPAC
It’s quite refreshing to see someone like Rand Paul at the head of the list.
He’s one of the few Republicans who “gets it” and will do everything in his power to shrink the size of government.
He’s not a perfect politician…none of them are. But when it comes down to what matters, shrinking the size of the federal government, he’s one of the few with a track record to make it happen.
I am a Rand Paul supporter. I believe the federal government is bankrupt.  Rand Paul gets it and would solve it.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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