Monday, March 2, 2015

DHS Does Nothing for us

GOP Rep. Goes Off on Conservatives: ‘I’ve had It With This Self-Righteous, Delusional Wing of the Party’
(The Blaze) – Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) blasted the conservative wing of his own party on Friday, calling them “delusional” amid the internal battle over a contentious bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security. Some conservatives want to ensure funding for President Barack Obama’s immigration action is stripped from the final bill, while other Republicans, like King, say DHS funding is too important to tie it to a political fight. “We have a wing within our party that is obsessed with the president’s executive order, or his executive action on immigration,” King told MSNBC before the House first voted down the short-term DHS funding bill. “I oppose that order too, that action by the president, as far as amnesty. But the bottom line is, we have to keep this in perspective. It’s much more important for us to keep Americans alive.”
The Obama Regime must be dismantled! He accused conservative lawmakers of “putting American lives at risk” to fight Obama’s immigration action, arguing that Obama will veto the legislation anyway. “I’ve had it with this self-righteous, delusional wing of the party,” King added, recounting some of his past statements on the issue. It appeared on Friday night that Congress had reached an agreement to fund DHS for one week to avoid a shutdown. The Senate has passed the measure and the House is likely to approve, though it wasn’t a done deal just yet as of 9:30 p.m. ET.
DHS controls departments and agencies who do little or nothing to protect US soil. Immigration doesn’t follow US law. The Secret Service is an embarrassment. FEMA built concentration camps for American citizens who would oppose Communism. ICE releases dangerous illegal immigrant felons from prison. The Border Patrol has been ordered not to patrol the border. Ranches on the Mexican border are not protected.
DHS is responsible for the militarization of local police departments. DHS considers US veterans and Tea Partiers a threat. Most of what they do is to enable the immigrant led US 37% unemployment.  If the DHS closed, it wouldn’t matter to US citizens.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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