Friday, March 13, 2015

Gold Dome Bills

The vast majority of the Bills filed in the Georgia legislature are requests from cities, counties and other government entities to authorize them to raise your taxes or run up debt without voter consent and for other purposes.  This year is no different.  In past years, up to 90% of all the Bills were for the government, of the government and by the government.  The other 10% were for the special interests, of the special interests and by the special interests.  This year is not much different. Copy and paste website below:
There are always countermeasures releases in the way of bills that get all the attention while other more harmful or wasteful bills pass unnoticed.
There are also bones tossed. Last year the bone toss award went to a pretty strong gun carry Bill. 
There are typically over 300 Bills filed every year. This year it looks like 450.  The sheer volume of Bills is a form of countermeasures.
There are bad laws kept on the books and bad laws stealthily repealed by replacement but never owned-up to.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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