Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jeb Bush is not a winner for Republicans

By Adriana Cohen, Boston Herald March 2, 2015 12:25 pm
If the GOP wants to take the White House in 2016, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is not their man.
Two red flags that can't be overlooked: The Bush brand has been tarnished. And Jeb is yet another moderate, establishment Republican, like Mitt Romney and John McCain, who voters rejected the past two elections. Why endorse yet another moderate/establishment type only to lose yet again?
It's time for the GOP to be bold. Republicans can elect a real conservative and/or Tea Party candidate who wants to repeal Obamacare, grow the economy, shrink intrusive big government and wipe ISIS off the face of the earth.
After six-plus calamitous years under an ultraleft-wing administration, it's time to swing the pendulum the other way.
With the compounding foreign policy threats we're facing, the country simply can't afford to have an incompetent Hillary "What Difference Does it Make?" Clinton in the Oval Office.
If the former secretary of state couldn't handle dispatching military support while our consulate was under fire in Benghazi, how is she going to handle Iran going nuclear, Russia annexing its neighbors or ISIS committing mass genocide?
What the GOP must do is produce a strong conservative who can provide Americans with a clear choice to a scandal-plagued Clinton or the radical liberal Elizabeth Warren.
A "Democrat-light" candidate like Jeb Bush simply won't cut it. Republicans repeatedly make the mistake of thinking that if they're liberal enough on the social issues or amnesty for illegals, they'll pick up some Democrats or independents. Perhaps. But if they lose support from their conservative base, then those gains are lost.
Republicans need to fire up their CPAC base and get out their vote on Election Day. If their nominee is too "squishy" or left-leaning, conservative voters will simply stay home. And another Democrat will move into the White House.
Adriana Cohen is co-host of "Boston Herald Drive" on Herald Radio and WMEX 1510 AM weekdays from 7-9 a.m. Follow Adriana on Twitter @AdrianaCohen16.

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