Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Johnny Isakson’s Unconstitutional Votes

Johnny “Anti-2nd Amendment” Isakson Posted on March 9, 2015 by Jason turner
Let me start off by quoting Mr. Charles Caleb Colton:“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”
Stay with me, I will explain why this is relevant to my article momentarily. In a sponsored post on Senator Johnny Isakson’s Facebook page, his campaign staff made a very bold statement:
I’m fed up with President Obama’s power-hungry governing. His “executive actions” continually thwart the Constitution, and now he’s going after the Second Amendment. Last time I checked, the United States Constitution clearly states that our right to bear arms shall NOT be infringed.
There was something about this post that sounded awfully familiar. I thought to myself:  “I swear, it sounds like I have heard this line before, but where?”
Then it hit me! On February 22, 2014, The Georgia Republican Party hosted a U.S. Senate debate at Brenau University in Gainesville, Georgia. During the closing speech portion of the event, candidates were allowed two minutes to make an appeal to the crowd on hand. During that time, Derrick Grayson made an unforgettable comment about the 2nd Amendment, which can be found at the 1:27 mark of the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gQ0rFOrfA8
This brings me back to Colton’s quote. After searching the internet, I came across Isakson’s voting record. That’s right, I actually sought out his voting record. (What a novel idea, right?) Here’s what I found when I checked the validity of Isakson’s comment
“… Last time I checked, the United States Constitution clearly states that our right to bear arms shall NOT be infringed.”
Second Amendment:
  • As a member of the House, Isakson voted for the 1999 expansion of mandatory background checks to private gun sales[1]
  •  in 2011, Isakson voted to allow the usage of the PATRIOT Act to access firearms records of law-abiding citizens[2]
  • In 2013, in the wake of the Newtown school shooting, Isakson voted in favor of advancing restrictions on the Second Amendment.[3]
  • On Sen. Harry Reid’s gun control measures, Isakson said, “We have not seen the final draft of the legislation that was produced… but I think it deserves a vote up-or-down,”  which in essence meant passage due to the large Democrat majority.[4]
    My question to Senator Isakson is: “Your voting record on the 2nd Amendment is quiet atrocious. So, which part of the 2nd Amendment are you actually referring to in your post?”

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