Tuesday, April 7, 2015

American Interests

Defense vs. Military Foreign Aid
There is a big difference between Defense and Military Foreign Aid.  Real defense involves defending your homes from foreign invaders.  The federal government fails to do this when they refuse to close the Mexican border and lose track of the visas they hand out.  The open borders plan is an affront to our defense as a sovereign country.  We haven’t really had to defend our homeland from a foreign country since 1836.  But we do have to defend our homeland from drug cartels and Mexican and Muslim immigrants who won’t assimilate. 
“American Interests” in the past have included protecting our merchant ships from pirates, but we could also tell the merchant ships to provide their own on-board security.  Calling Military Foreign Aid an American Interest is a stretch.  
I would define “American Interests” as reducing federal spending, reducing government debt, stopping the flight from the dollar as an international currency, ending the federal government’s unconstitutional activities, becoming energy independent, building the pipeline and becoming energy exporters, eliminating our negative trade balance, repealing unconstitutional, unnecessary regulations and laws, repealing harmful trade agreements, suspending immigration, returning manufacturing to the US and restoring the free market economy. We also need to quit the UN in retaliation for the global warming hoax and UN Agenda 21 subversion. We need to impose tariffs on imports to protect critical manufacturing capabilities.  We need to bring the federal government back into compliance with the US Constitution (as written) and transfer its unconstitutional activities to the States and the People according to the 10th Amendment.  We need to purge our federal government of people who would oppose this.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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