Monday, April 13, 2015

Chicago’s $63 billion Debt

Suspicious AJC Article

The Atlanta Journal 4/12/15 featured a comparison between Chicago and St. Louis suggesting that Atlanta should try to be more like Chicago.  But, the City of Chicago carries a $63.2 billion debt.

Overspending has been hacked down to bring its annual deficit down to $300 million a year. The city occupies 227 square miles of land with a population of 2.7 million.  It sits in Cook County that occupies 945 square miles and has a population of 5 million.  Metro also includes DuPage County with 327 square miles and a population of 917,000. 

Their Metro GDP has been pumped up to mask the city’s financial dilemma. To keep it up includes the entire NE Region including 7 other counties. It is essentially the Chicago MSA includes all counties in Illinois NE 9 county region plus counties in Indiana and Wisconsin. It includes over 10,000 square miles and a population of 9.5 million.

Chicago’s real metro area is Cook with 945 square miles and a population of 5 million and DuPage with 327 square miles and a population of 917.000.

To stay at the top of the GDP list, New York now claims counties in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  Again they use the MSA, not reflective of the real economy in the credit claiming cities.

Suspicious Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA)

The MSA designations were first used to determine racial “utilization” for Affirmative Action Plans.  They were supposed to represent your potential candidate pool for employment.

With the UN Agenda 21 installation of “Regionalism” they have spread out beyond what anybody would consider a reasonable employment area.

These MSAs have morphed from their original 10 to 20 counties and became larger to cross State lines.  They more resemble the UN Agenda 21 map that establishes “mega-cities”. 

Our newspaper accounts of “cities’ GDPs” are expanded to emphasize these cities. 

These MSAs are ranked by GDP with New York at the top.

New York MSA includes 13,318 sq mi and 26.3 million residents and boasts $1.57 trillion in GDP.  But it includes New York, Long Island, most of Eastern New Jersey and counties in Connecticut and Pennsylvania.  That’s a stretch even for train commuting to Manhattan. 

The Los Angeles MSA is #2 with 4850 square miles, a population of 12.8 million and $826.8 billion in GDP.

Chicago MSA is #3 with 10,000 square miles, a population of 9.5 million and a $590 billion GDP. But it includes all of North Eastern Illinois and parts of Indiana and Wisconsin.

Philadelphia MSA is #8 with 5118 square miles, a population of 6 million and a $ 383.4 billion GDP. But it includes surrounding counties in Pennsylvania and parts of New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland.

Atlanta MSA is #10 with 8376 square miles, a population of 5.5 million and a $307 billion GDP. But it includes 31 counties and all but 4 are exurbs or rural.

States Don’t Matter

The Federal government’s UN Agenda 21 implementation clearly ignores State sovereignty.  Their “Regions” cross state lines and their economic reporting stresses “mega-cities”, not States.      

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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