Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Christie’s Bad Idea on Social Security

Chris Christie Proposes Social Security Cuts
Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie proposed pushing back the age of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare for future retirees on Tuesday as part of a plan to cut deficits by $1 trillion over a decade, an approach he said would confront the nation's "biggest challenges in an honest way."

In a speech in New Hampshire, site of the first 2016 presidential primary, the New Jersey governor also proposed cutting off Social Security benefits in the future for retirees with annual incomes of $200,000 or more. He said seniors who wish to work after age 62 should be exempt from the payroll tax.

"Through its unwillingness to address our biggest challenges in an honest way, the Obama administration has put us on a perilous course for both our short-term and our long-term futures," Christie told the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College. "See, I think it's time to tell the truth about what we need to do in order to solve our problems and put our country back on the path to greater prosperity."

The proposal marked an attempt to establish Christie's deficit-cutting credentials in a race that has three other Republicans as declared presidential candidates, with more to come. Christie says he will decide in May or June whether to launch a campaign for the nomination.


Social Security is unconstitutional. It was created on the bet that most people would die before age 65.  It was created to promote Socialism in the US.  It’s a bad deal. My wife and I have contributed about $500,000 in Social Security Taxes. If We had invested those deposits in Vanguard and TIAA, we would have $1.5 million in the accounts and we could pass this on to our children, because it is our money.  Your Social Security ends when you die. Surviving spouses get half until they die, then it’s gone. Your children are not beneficiaries. It is a “defined benefit” plan, so like a pension plan, it oscillates up and down with the stock market. It is unsustainable in its current form.
Chris Christie would leave it intact and would “mess with it” to cut down the cost.  He has succumbed to Socialism.
Social Security needs to be phased out by setting up private accounts that people could own.  But first, we need to have “sound money” and no Federal Reserve to create inflation and we need to pay off the National Debt.  We also need market interest rates and honest businesses we can buy stock in. 
The Federal government must have their feet held to the fire. They must pay out Social Security recipients and never pull another unconstitutional stunt like that again.  They need to admit that Socialism doesn’t work.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader   

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