Tuesday, April 7, 2015

EPA Carbon Rules Caca

The Surprising Reason Why Obama’s New Executive Order Might Be Undone Before He Even Signs It
Just when you thought there wouldn’t be another executive order…Oh wait, you likely never thought that because you know the President loves using the power of the pen to guide America into troubling waters.
This time the emperor… err, the President… is using the power of his office to sign America up for new climate change policies, helping align the U.S. with the UN. That’s bad news if you enjoy not having to submit yourself to onerous regulations and new taxes.
The good news? His executive order might not last longer than a few years… if he does manage to sign it. Coleen Conley gives us the details about what could reverse Obama’s new executive order:
Much like the March 9th letter written by 47 GOP members warning Iran against a nuclear accord, Republican leaders have warned other countries to “proceed with caution” in negotiations with Washington regarding climate change because any deal could be later undone.
The Obama administration released a plan for U.N. climate change on Tuesday, in which it seeks to solidify its pledge to a global climate agreement to be negotiated late this year in Paris. The plan calls for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by close to 28 percent from 2005 levels within a decade, using a host of existing laws and executive actions targeting power plants, vehicles, oil and gas production and buildings.
Republicans insist the administration cannot proceed with the unilateral international action without Congressional approval. “Considering that two-thirds of the U.S. federal government hasn’t even signed off on the Clean Power Plan and 13 states have already pledged to fight it, our international partners should proceed with caution before entering into a binding, unattainable deal,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.
But the Administration is standing tough, stressing that the U.S. official submission stands on sound legal footing, with the measures drawing authority from legislation such as the Clean Air Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act.
The lead U.S. climate change negotiator, Todd Stern continuously ensures foreign counterparts that “undoing the kind of regulation we are putting in place is very tough to do.”
All of this is occurring while many of the administration’s climate policies, under which much of the its arguments rest, face legal challenges. A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. is set to hear arguments on April 16, in which 13 states oppose new regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that target emissions in existing power plants.
Surrounded by such uncertainty of the United States’ ability to deliver on Obama’s commitments, foreign governments remain skeptical.
On Monday, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy insisted that new power plant rules can withstand Supreme Court scrutiny.
But Jeff Holmstead, a lawyer representing utilities industries and former assistant administrator of the EPA under George W Bush, says even if the courts uphold the EPA proposal on power plants, a future Republican administration can reverse it. “There are some EPA rules that are very difficult for a new administration to change but this is not one of those rules,” Holmstead said.
Environmental groups, however, are confident that Obama’s actions cannot be reversed by the courts or politics. Said David Waskow, director of international initiatives for the World Resources Institute, “The Clean Air Act has proven to be quite durable.” He believes that elements may be slowed or modified by legal challenges, but are rarely overturned.
One thing is clear; the Obama Administration is determined to use the power of the EPA as a weapon to slash carbon levels from plants to 30 percent of their 2005 levels by 2020, regardless of its impact on the US economy or the legality of such actions.
But here’s the kicker in all of this.Two new studies have just shown that the evidence for global warming is even weaker than thought.
A piece by the Daily Caller noted, “A study by scientists at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Meteorology found that man-made aerosols had a much smaller cooling effect on the atmosphere during the 20th Century than was previously thought.”
This shows that the idea that CO2 emissions are probably not the driving force of global warming like so many alarmists say. The other study published in Nature Climate Change says despite deforestation, the earth is already getting greener. Why? Because plants love CO2 and are helping absorb any manmade emissions.
All this to say, if Obama signs this executive order, not only does it stand the chance of being repealed, there’s now a glut of scientific research to hack the initiative off at the knees.
Now tell us, do you think the GOP will make good on the promise?
I will believe the GOP will make good on its promise when it finally starts making good on its promises. 
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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