Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Excessive Immigration Sovereign Suicide

Corsi: Illegal Aliens Take to the Highway in California
(Dr. Jerome Corsi) – Just three months since the California Division of Motor Vehicles began issuing drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants under bill the California Assembly passed in 2013, nearly half a million illegal immigrants have sought license in a surge that has overwhelmed the California DMZ requiring the hiring of new staff, the opening of new DMV offices, and extending hours.
Originally estimating that about 1.4 million illegal immigrants would apply for drivers’ licenses over course of three years, the California DMZ statistics now show they have handled one-third of that expected total in three months, a rate double what the DMV expected, according to a report published last week by Jeremy B. White in the Sacramento Bee.
“There’s been a lot of outreach from many groups, many organizations,” Artemio Armenta, a spokesman for the DMV told the newspaper. “A lot of efforts from every angle, from social media to the news media to community organizations getting the word out – it’s been a big effort across the board.”
White reported that swell of immigrant license seekers has led to longer wait times for walk-ins at field offices and processing centers, particularly in Southern California.
In response, DMV officials told the newspaper they have been added phone lines, responding to customers complaining of getting busy signals when they called for appointments, and restructured the workflow at offices, while encouraging customers to handle requests online or make appointments.
“We sort of have a triage system, if you will,” Armenta told the Sacramento Bee. “We were seeing longer lines at the beginning because people were coming in early, hoping to be the first to apply for a license.”
What is additionally disturbing about this news is the appreciation that obtaining a legitimately issued state drivers’ license provides illegal immigrant with a key piece of government-issued identification that like a legitimately issued Social Security Card, can serve as a key to proceeding along “a path to citizenship” that completely bypasses legally constituted naturalization processes.
In effect, a state-issued drivers’ license becomes a backdoor to U.S. citizenship.
Illegal immigrants and their leftist supporter realize that a state-issued drivers’ license can open the door to a wide range of taxpayer-funded social welfare services, including the admission of children to public schools where they will inevitably demand to be taught in Spanish.
Rather that take measures to secure the borders, the Obama administration has done everything possible to assure the surge of unaccompanied minors and families across the border this coming summer will match or exceed what was experienced in 2013.
New Border Patrol projections acknowledge the agency expects to catch about 39,000 unaccompanied minors and 53,000 families illegally crossing the U.S. border with Mexico this summer, more than triple the number that crossed in 2013, although the Border Patrol still insists the number will be less than were caught in 2014.
The Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies disputes the Border Patrol claim the surge of unaccompanied minors and families from the Central American countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras is slowing, citing figures that show more than 2,000 illegal immigrant minors have been apprehended each month since the beginning of this fiscal year in October.
“These statistics show that the surge of illegal arrivals from Central America was never really over,” CIS immigration expert Jessica Vaughan explained to Breitbart News last week.
“The incentives for people to have their children smuggled into the United States illegally have not changed – they know that under Obama administration policies they will be allowed to stay without consequences,” she continued. “American communities should brace themselves to accommodate more new arrivals.”
Why would the surge subside when President Obama is challenging a District Court injunction blocking the amnesty he declared by executive action last November, with the Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) plans to open operational space in a newly constructed office building in Crystal City, near Arlington, Virginia, at a price tag of a $7.8 million annual lease, with a plan to house some 1,000 full-time, permanent federal and contract employees in a variety of positions and grade levels, with jobs offering salaries as high as $157,000 a year and a total salary cost of $40 million per year.
In October 2014, the Obama administration had the Department of Homeland Security buy enough supplies to make as many as 34 million blank “green card” work permits and residency cards ready to be issued over the next five years to illegal immigrants in the United States
U.S. Department of Labor jobs data makes clear that since the beginning of the recession in December 2007, net employment growth has been going to foreign-born workers.
Last week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics confirmed that labor force participation is continuing at a 37-year low point with for the first time those not in the labor force exceeding 93 million Americans.
With the economy creating a lame 126,000 jobs in March, what sense does it make for Democrats like Loretta Lynch, Obama’s nominee to replace Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General, to argue that illegal immigrants have a right to work?
Let’s face it.  The socialist Democrats and the RINO GOP controlling Congress are gearing up for a universal amnesty declaration that will only advance Obama’s master plan of taking apart the America bequeathed to us by our founding fathers to replace it with a third-world social welfare system that “levels” the once proud United States of America to the status of a third-world country ready to participate in the socialist vision of a global “free trade” one-world government.
This is why I have decided to write a new eBook entitled Amnesty – the Plan Obama Designed to Break America’s Back.
In the eBook, you will learn about:
My eBook entitled Amnesty – the Plan Obama Designed to Break America’s Back will soon be available exclusively through TeaParty.org.
Remember, this is Obama socialism and hard-working U.S. citizens that have carried the full weight of the Obama economy – including suffering under government businesses that cripple small business, being forced to bear the cost of business failures and back taxes, while seeing their credit histories destroyed, losing their homes in record numbers, being forced to go on food stamps to feed a family, and wondering how they will pay to college educate their children.
While destroying the U.S. middle class, the Obama administration plans to burden the middle class to pay for the “amnesty” DREAMERS upon whom Obama plans to create first-class privileged citizenship status.
Also remember, Barack Obama end game is (and always was) redistributing income by destroying a middle class Obama has declared to be “racist,” while opening our borders to a Spanish underclass that Obama knows will have no appreciation of American history and no commitment to the U.S. Constitution.
Tea Party Loyalists must let the new GOP majority in Congress know where we stand.
Please also join me in sending to all 100 U.S. Senators and to all 435 members of the House of Representatives a TeaParty.org Fax Blast that says  “No to Amnesty!”
Tea Party Loyalists are the last line of resistance to “America’s Fraud President” who is attempting to deprive us of our Constitutional rights in his effort to debase America to a police-state maintaining order in a second-class nation.
We must say “No To Amnesty!” by reminding Congress they owe allegiance first to the U.S. citizen and the legal immigrant.
In November 2014, Tea Party Loyalists issued a strong statement that we are prepared to repeat in November 2016, defeating any and all incumbent members of Congress – Republicans and Democrats alike – who do not stand with us to defend the United States of America.

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