Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Foreign Relations

The greatest threat to the continued existence of the US is its debt.  The next greatest threat is Obama.

We will hear a great deal about foreign relations as we approach the 2016 elections and the media launches their attacks against conservative candidates.  We will have just witnessed the deeds of two Presidents, Bush II, a Liberal Neocon Republican and Obama, a Muslim Communist Democrat.  Each of them doubled the national debt for different reasons.  Prior to that we witnessed two other Presidents, Bush I and Clinton.  Bush I signed on to the global warming hoax and UN Agenda 21 and Clinton implemented it and gave away our manufacturing jobs with NAFTA. Bush I spent too much on Middle East nation building and Obama is trying to destroy the US completely.

All four of them spent too much and grew the government to become the abusive creature we have today. Being proactive in foreign relations and destructive to our free market economy is where these 4 Presidents come together.

Our current foreign relations picture is a mess.  Our traditional allies have been sapped by too much welfare, immigration and government debt.  So have we. Our enemies send religious fanatics to destabilize the rest of the world.  Our own federal government overspending and overregulating will continue to stifle and will eventually destroy our fragile economy.  Our federal government is our own worst enemy.  Our state government is our next worst enemy for taking federal bribes to perpetuate this house of cards.

We do not have the resources to return to being the world’s policeman, so those countries invaded by terrorists are on their own.  Neocons will object loudly, but it takes an exceptional balance sheet to be exceptional and we don’t have that.  We also don’t have the resources to hand out annual bribes to every country in the UN and our states. All of this is printed and borrowed money and we need to reduce our national debt, not add to it. 

The Marxists running our federal government will defend the UN with all of their might.  They will tell us that they must continue to immigrate everyone and enter into job killing, sovereignty sapping trade agreements “or else”. They will invent every lie imaginable to keep the US from recovering from its current economic decline.  They have a vested interest in our collapse and enslavement under a UN front global communist government. 

Our current government-led foreign relations activities are worthless, dangerous and suicidal.  If we stop these, companies will still trade as they always have. They will not have the government subsidies, but they will find a way to make money without these subsidies. They may not be able to locate “anywhere” because of terrorists and the growing instability in other countries, but that just might bring manufacturing back to the US. 

When the “foreign relations defenders” get on their soap-box, the media must question our financial inability to continue to pursue our current course.

We have to admit that our current activities in foreign relations have failed and we can no longer afford to continue with posturing and bribery. We may need to ultimately destroy Iran, but we had better double down on the sanctions and prepare ourselves financially first.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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