Monday, April 6, 2015

Marxist Roots of Common Core

COMMON CORE, PART 3 Posted on April 5, 2015 Written by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt,
LEARN the FACTS about Com­mon Core’s Com­mu­nist Roots
The lat­est install­ment in a series from Dr. Den­nis Cuddy, “Com­mon Core: Part 3″ was pub­lished on NewsWith­Views, March 30, 2015. Dr. Cuddy wrote about a trip that the “‘Father of Pro­gres­sive Edu­ca­tion’ (and later National Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion hon­orary pres­i­dent) John Dewey” took to the Soviet Union in the ear­li­est years of Com­mu­nism. Of course, Dewey was the fore­run­ner, lay­ing all of the ground­work for all of the future edu­ca­tion reform. I dis­cuss Dewey and his Pro­gres­sive Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion in my book the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­ica.
Accord­ing to Dr. Cuddy, John Dewey described his trip to the Soviet Union in a Dec. 5, 1928 edi­tion of THE NEW REPUBLIC. Here are a few snip­pets from the glow­ing report that Dewey wrote of Com­mu­nist education: the mar­velous devel­op­ment of pro­gres­sive edu­ca­tional ideas and prac­tices under the fos­ter­ing care of the Bol­she­vist gov­ern­ment… the required col­lec­tive and coop­er­a­tive men­tal­ity.… The great task of the school is to coun­ter­act and trans­form those domes­tic and neigh­bor­hood ten­den­cies… the influ­ence of home and Church.…
In order to accom­plish this end, the teach­ers must in the first place know with great detail and accu­racy just what the con­di­tions are to which pupils are sub­ject in the home [remem­ber this when read­ing about Com­mon Core’s col­lec­tion of large amounts of per­sonal data].…
In con­se­quence, to any­one who looks at the mat­ter cold-bloodedly, free from sen­ti­men­tal asso­ci­a­tions clus­ter­ing about the his­toric fam­ily insti­tu­tion, a most inter­est­ing soci­o­log­i­cal exper­i­men­ta­tion is tak­ing place.… Our spe­cial con­cern here is with the role of the schools in build­ing up forces and fac­tors whose nat­ural effect is to under­mine the impor­tance and unique­ness of fam­ily life.…
“The ear­li­est sec­tion of the school sys­tem, deal­ing with chil­dren from three to seven, aims to keep chil­dren under its charge six, eight, and ten hours a day, and in ulti­mate ideal this pro­ce­dure is to be uni­ver­sal and compulsory.…
 Ref­er­ence to this phase of Soviet edu­ca­tion may per­haps be suit­ably con­cluded by a quo­ta­tion from Lenin: ‘We must declare openly what is con­cealed, namely, the polit­i­cal func­tion of the school.… It is to con­struct com­mu­nist society.’”

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