Thursday, April 16, 2015

Trevor Loudon in Atlanta 4/21 & 4/22

Trevor Loudon is scheduled to speak in Cumming GA on 4/21 and Fayetteville GA on 4/22

Tuesday Apr 21 Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM

6140 Events is two miles south of the N. GA Premium Outlet Mall (behind the rug outlet).  6140 GA 400, Suite H, Cumming, GA 30028 Cherokee County Tea Party Patriots Presents: Trevor Loudon


Wednesday April 22, Time:  7:00 ~ 9:00 PM*

Word of Life Church* 405 North Glynn Street* Fayetteville Ga (In the back of the Fayette Place Shopping center just up from Ford Dealership and on the same side of the street.)

South Atlanta Tea Party Presents: Trevor Loudon*


Talk by author Trevor Loudon

The Marxist controlled Democratic Party won the last Presidential election by 2 million votes.  The President's illegal amnesty will pad those numbers by another 8 million votes!  The 2016 election is our last chance to turn

this around or we will be a permanent one party system in America!  If the 30 million Christians that did not vote in the last election don't show up in 2016 we are finished.  How are we going to do this?  Trevor has a plan.  We have less than 2 years to pull it off.  If we fail, the Marxist controlled Democrats will win the 2016 Presidential election:


We in the Tea Party get it, but many of your peers, family, friend, and neighbors don't.  Get them to come to this event.  Forward this email to as many as many people as you can.


Trevor Loudon is an author, activist, and political researcher from Christchurch New Zealand.  He is best known for exposing the ties between a young Barack Obama and Hawaiian Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, as well as exposing the communist background of former Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones.  Loudon’s latest book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress, is designed to expose, the comprehensive communist, socialist and extreme progressive infiltration of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.  Louden speech to be followed by a light reception.





Trevor Loudon is the Paul Revere of our time. You may remember him from the movie "Agenda Grinding America Down" , seen him on Glenn Beck, or read one of his books.


Source: Conrad Quagliaroli, Cherokee County Tea Party Patriots


Find Trevor Loudon videos on YouTube. Please attend this event. This is critical. We are almost out of time.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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