Monday, April 13, 2015

US Economic Recovery

Each change we need to make will impact different components that are needed to affect a recovery. The US government has an $18 trillion debt and over $100 trillion in unfunded Social Security, Medicare, federal pension and welfare liabilities.  We are technically bankrupt. 
Lower Electricity Costs
We need low energy costs and the repeal all unnecessary regulations. We need to keep our energy costs at or below current levels.  That means we cannot impose further EPA regulations on electricity generation. Alternative energy sources like solar and wind should not receive subsidies.  They cost 5 times more than coal and nuclear. If we fail to develop competitively priced energy, jobs will continue to be sent overseas.
Increase Water Supply
We need to build more reservoirs to increase our water supply. We may need water pipelines and desalination plants on the West Coast.
Stop Immigration
If we hadn’t immigrated an extra 41 million immigrants over the past 20 years, we would have had more jobs for the 93 million working-age US citizens who are jobless today.  This Federal sabotage is directly responsible for our 37% unemployment.
Close the Trade Deficit
We need to export $500 billion more than we do now. Oil and Natural Gas will provide most of this increase if we allow drilling everywhere allow the infrastructure to be built.
Cut $ 1 trillion in Federal Spending
Until we cut federal spending to match federal revenue, we will continue to pile on debt beyond the $18 trillion we carry now.  Until we do that, we will continue to look like Greece.
Save the Dollar as an International Currency
If we do all of the above, we will make the point that we are able and willing to reverse our decline.  If we fail to do this, we will confirm to the world that we are on the way down.
Restore the US Constitution (as written)
Reduce Federal Spending to $3 trillion a year.  $1 trillion for debt service and debt repayment; $1 trillion for Social Security and Medicare wind-down and $1 trillion to fund the federal government limited to its enumerated powers described in the US Constitution (as written).
Close unconstitutional Federal Departments and Agencies. The federal government would be left with Federal Courts, Congress and Executive including Defense.
State Responsibilities Expand
The 10th Amendment provides for the States and the People to be responsible for all other responsibilities not included in the enumerated powers. States already have departments that mirror their federal counterparts. These State agencies would assume full responsibility without federal interference. All federal land would be ceded to the States.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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