Saturday, May 9, 2015

7 Million Syrian “Refugees” Ahead

Obama Administration Sending Thousands of Muslim Refugees to Idaho, By Tim Brown / 8 May 2015
Dinesh D'Souza claimed the Barack Hussein Obama was "anti-colonial" in his film 2016: Obama's America. However, Obama is demonstrating just how colonial he is as he sets up colonies of Muslim refugees across the United States.
The latest revelation of such colonization is coming to Idaho. According to The College of Southern Idaho's Refugee Center is expecting an influx of Syrian refugees starting in October.
Projections show the center will likely receive 300 refugees from around the world during the upcoming federal fiscal year. That's the same number as this year.
Refugee Center director Zeze Rwasama anticipates the biggest populations of newcomers will be from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
To date, the U.S. has resettled just 648 Syrians.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard said during a recent visit to Lebanon that between 1,000 and 2,000 Syrian refugees will be brought to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand more in 2016.
CSI's Refugee Center has already resettled more than 1,000 refugees from Iraq, the neighboring country to Syria, and many speak Arabic.
Of course, many will say that this is the humane thing to do and that there is no danger. However, keep in mind that these people will experience a major culture shock and they only speak Arabic. They are coming not because they desire to come to America, but because we are told they are refugees from war; a war in which their enemies were funded and trained by our government.
The International Rescue Committee urged the resettlement (think colonization) of 65,000 Syrians by the end of 2016 in America.
Though those numbers that have actually been resettled in Idaho sound small, the reality is the numbers are much larger.
Leo Hohmann reports: WND has learned the numbers will be much larger statewide and include refugees from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo and possibly Somalia.
Sources tell WND that community leaders learned of the plans for up to 2,000 refugees at a recent conference at Boise State University attended by church groups, social services providers and other "stakeholders."
"That's the number they put out that they're planning for, a total of about 2,000 over the next one to three years, with 70 percent going to Boise and 30 percent in the Twin Falls area," said Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim turned Christian pastor in eastern Washington who said he spoke with a conference attendee.
However, Idaho is not the only state in the Union that is being colonized by Muslims. Recently, Rep. Trey Gowdy found out that the Obama administration had plans to resettle some of these Syrians in his district in South Carolina. He chastised Secretary of State John Kerry for not notifying anyone of what was taking place.
"As the Member of the U.S. House of Representatives representing the Spartanburg area, I am deeply concerned about the lack of notice, information, and consultation afforded to me and my constituents about this issue," he said in a letter to Kerry.
Gowdy requested at least a month's prior notice before any resettlement takes place. Sadly, Governor Nikki Haley has backed the resettlement plans.
Christina Jeffrey, who is former historian for the US House of Representatives and ran against Gowdy in the 2010 Republican primary said, "When the governor came out in favor of the refugees, our (Republican) legislators said it would all turn out OK and that they had faith in the vetting process. But this refugee thing makes us all very nervous, especially if the governor's office is on board. It's pretty well known around Spartanburg that there's a lot of unhappiness about it, and surprise, especially since she was so strong on some other issues like Medicaid expansion. It could be she looks at this with a little bit of identity politics, seeing that maybe immigrants will soon have an advantage over native-born Americans. Look how many immigrants we have running for president. I think she's moving on. I don't think South Carolina is her intended destination."
It has been reported that 7 million Syrians are seeking refugee status in the US.
Recall that just last year, Obama was already paving the way for more than 30,000 Syrian Islamists to resettle in the United States. Understand that our country's counter-terrorism measures have been all but emasculated by this administration. Islam and jihad have been all but scrubbed from training manuals. In their place, evangelical Christians and others have been written in as "potential terrorists."
While I grant that not everyone coming from Syria is an Islamic jihadist, there is no doubt in my mind that there will be many among them. Our government has demonstrated either incompetence in some areas or willful complicity in others in allowing Islamic jihadists to flourish here in America.
The troubling part in all of this was the Obama administration's disregard for Christian's seeking asylum. From the Romeikes to a persecuted Iraqi Christian woman, this administration obviously shows favoritism for those who are Muslim over those who are Christian.
On a positive note, this will give Christians that opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with these people, provided we can break down the language barrier. However, there is also a serious danger of allowing these communities to grow as Muslim communities, which will also push forward the idea of sharia in those communities just like it has in Texas and other communities in the US. This is a very dangerous move by the Obama administration for America, as Leo Hohmann provides examples of those who make their way into the states by these means, but I'm guessing we don't have to tell them that. They already know it. 

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