Saturday, May 9, 2015

GA GOP Mismanaged

Maybe State Farm will step-in for the naming rights of the Georgia GOP? 
Rumors have it that regardless of whether John Padgett wins reelection as Georgia State GOP Chair, or that Alex Johnson defeats him at the convention on May 17, in consulting the Magic 8-Ball for the financial future of the Ga GOP, the answer that floats-up is "Very uncertain."
PV Offers Bleak Evidence:  We were anonymously forwarded some internal financial documents and it's taken a little bit of time to sort thru them, but, John Padgett has some 'splainin to do to those of you who have either 1) contributed money to the state GOP, or 2) worked in the trenches all these years.  Here are the documents for your perusal as we discuss the numbers:
The balance sheet shows current assets of $120,140, and current liabilities of $107,101, all as of March 28...a difference of $13,039.  What does that number mean? It means it appears the party has enough cash on hand to pay for current liabilities, with $13,039 to spare.  But, you cannot look at a balance sheet and know all by itself that everything's okay, which is why you have to look at the P&L.
The P&L shows quite an eye-opening view of just how quickly the party's burn rate is on a monthly basis. "Burn rate" is the rate of cash going out the door. Without causing your eyes to glaze over, here is the eagle-eyed snapshot to focus on: On Page 3 of the P&L is a category called "Political" and below that you see line-item classifications for "Pol Consulting", "Pol Employee Insurance", "Pol Party Building", "Pol Salaries", etc.
All total for all "Political Consulting" expenses, including Pol Consulting and Pol Salaries, totals $131,446 for the first 3 months of that, there is a total being paid for "consultants" of $113,374, or approximately $38,000 per month.
Note that there is an entirely separate category for General Salaries on the previous page that totals $17,500.  This includes people who work in full-time positions (Executive Director, Political Director, Accounting Dept., etc.).  So, unless Accounting is involved in FUBARing book entries (and cash is being accounted for in some creative manner...which would be a whole 'nother matter), a pile of cash payments is going out the door when it shouldn't be.
Why shouldn't it be? Because the political cycle for 2014 ended on November 4, 2014.  True, there would be expenses, and invoices coming-due through December of 2014.
But, these financial statements are for the first 3 months of 2015. Why is the party paying for "political consulting" during an off-election year?  Why is John Padgett throwing approximately $38,000 per month to "political consultants" in a non-election year?  At least every single party chairman before Padgett knew that you had to conserve cash in the year after an election year.
Looking at the last page, the party has a Net Ordinary Loss of ($171,626) for Jan 1-Mar 28.  That means a whole lot more money was paid-out than what came in.  This Net Loss already accounts for the revenue from the Republican Gala fundraising dinner, along with party membership renewals, etc. (you need to look on Pages 1-2 of the P&L to see those broken-out).
Someone told me that at the State Committee meeting held back in early April, the party's esteemed legal counsel Anne Lewis stood-up and said something to the effect of "Hey, we need you guys to go talk to the elected politicians you know to get them to contribute money to the Party."
Gee...are the Party's legal bills not being paid, John Padgett?  Hmmm...especially since it appears Lewis's firm is the one battling the federal discrimination lawsuit brought-on by your party employees
Is John Padgett doing a heckuva job as party chair?  Dunno.  We're certain there will be party stalwarts who will pronounce "Just wait until state convention is over, and we'll be rolling in the dough...".
Yeah, well, if the state conventions of the past are any indication of what this one will cost ($100,000+), whatever payoff there is from the convention will be going straight into the pockets of Padgett's favorite political consultants to the tune of $38,000 per month for...what purpose in an off-election year?
Just so you'll know, I went thru a LOT of thinking before issuing this Vine.  Some GaGOP grassroots members will cry and bitch and moan and whine and stamp their feet and declare "Why does he have to show our dirty laundry like this???"
Just so you'll know, the reason I decided this had to be done now is because if Alex Johnson wins the chairmanship, the majority of people will understand that the financial condition of the party is how he will inherit it on May 16, and that a Chairman Johnson will not be responsible for what may lead to the Georgia Republican Party having to file bankruptcy sometime this year.
Because....the financial management (and mismanagement) of the GaGOP's funds are solely due to John Padgett's direct ignorance of things like..."election cycle cash flow." 
You folks in the establishment GOP think Padgett has "all the experience?"  Yeah, he has experience alright.  Experience in hiring people who don't appear to have been raised right in their treatment of others and experience in signing contracts with political consultants to continue paying them well into a slow-fundraising time period.
Feel free to forward this edition of Political Vine to whomever you desire.
Source: Political Vine

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