Friday, May 8, 2015

Rand Paul Beats Hillary

"We've come to take our country back."  Those were the words I spoke just a few weeks ago as I took to the podium in Louisville, Kentucky to announce my candidacy for
President of the United States.
That announcement - combined with polls showing me leading Hillary Clinton in key early primary states - set off a firestorm of attacks from Democrats and their pals in the national media.
The Washington machine fears my candidacy more than any other. They know my support is growing.
And they know I'm determined to take our country back from the tax-and-spenders in BOTH parties and the Big Government special interests that have sunk our nation $18.2 TRILLION in debt and made a mockery of our Constitution.
But right now is an absolutely critical time for my campaign.
That's why I'm counting on you to please fill out your DEFEAT THE WASHINGTON MACHINE Petition and rush it back to me right away.
If you listen to the media and some in the Republican
establishment, candidates like me who are willing to fight back aren't supposed to be popular.
They tell us this presidential race has already been decided, and say November 2016 will be a showdown between two candidates with yesterday's last names pushing yesterday's Big Government policies.
I guess they say the best way for our Republican Party to beat Hillary Clinton is to be more like her!  But my travels to Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada all tell me they couldn't be more wrong. Americans are thirsting
for a candidate who will boldly defend and advance our shared limited government principles.
They understand we can't continue to spend like there's no
tomorrow. They understand we can't allow our Constitution to be shredded before our eyes.
They understand we can't allow career politicians to continue to pass laws for the rest of us while living under a different set themselves.
They understand this President's ham-handed foreign policy and misguided intervention has only emboldened and strengthened ISIS and other Islamic terrorists.
I believe that's why polls show me leading Hillary Clinton in key swing states like Pennsylvania, Colorado and Iowa - all states President Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.
In fact, some in the press have dubbed me "Hillary Clinton's
Kryptonite," and her staff is even attacking me by name in memos to top left-wing donors!
They know my bold plans to defeat the Washington machine and unleash prosperity are resonating among American citizens like never before, including:
Cutting spending and our ballooning national debt by
eliminating waste and stopping special treatment for those with the best lobbyists;
Cutting taxes for ALL American citizens. More money in the
hands of those who earned it is proven to create jobs. Period. I think it's time to put Washington, D.C. on a diet;
Enacting a Balanced Budget Amendment to stop politicians from piling debts on our children and grandchildren they can never repay;
Passing term limits to end the reign of career politicians in
Forcing Members of Congress to actually read the bills they
pass, and stop their habit of ramming thousand-page bills into law at the last minute before anyone knows what's being voted on;
Totally repealing ObamaCare to stop the soaring health
insurance premium costs, policy cancellations, shuttered
hospitals and poorer quality healthcare that have all resulted
from this outrageous federal takeover;
Auditing the Federal Reserve to end the "print-now, ask-questions-later" policies that result in boom-bust economic
cycles like the recent housing and financial crises;
Protecting the entire Bill of Rights. That means protecting
not just our religious liberties, political speech and gun
rights. It also means ending NSA spying to protect Americans' right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment and restoring state prerogatives under the Tenth Amendment.
I'm running for President to turn our country around - to bring
it back from the brink. That means I'm going to leave no stone unturned. I'm not writing off any vote.
Americans of all backgrounds understand Washington, D.C. is broken.  One recent poll showed that only about one quarter of Americans believe our nation is on the right track!
If our Republican Party has a nominee that's willing to compete for every vote - one handshake, one speech, and one rally at a time - we can defeat the Washington machine.
I believe I'm that candidate. I believe my rock-solid defense of the U.S. Constitution provides a bright roadmap for the future of our party and our country.
Hillary Clinton offers nothing but Big Government and baggage.  Even after Benghazi and the deletion of 30,000 secret emails she wrote as Secretary of State, it appears she gave special treatment to foreign governments who wrote fat checks to her "charitable" foundation.
The Washington machine is rotten to the core. Sadly, it's not
just Democrats.  Take a look at our soaring debt over the past 20 years, and you'll see BOTH parties are to blame for the mess we're in today.
For daring to stand up to the Big Government establishment
they're going to come after me with everything they have.
With your help, these are the conservative principles I'm hoping to rally our country and our party around.
The campaign events, bumper stickers, phone banks, radio ads, Internet and TV ads it takes to run a successful campaign all cost money. And the early stages of any campaign – when candidates must fight to break through - are often the most critical. Under federal law, the maximum contribution is $2,700 per individual and $5,400 per couple.
My bold plans to defeat the Washington machine combined with polls showing me leading Hillary Clinton in key early primary states set off a firestorm of attacks from Democrats and their pals in the national media.
I'd be honored to receive your support. In liberty, Rand Paul U.S. Senator (R-KY)

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