Saturday, May 2, 2015

Senate Fight over Iran Bill

Senators fight to pass amendments that could defeat liberal Iran bill. By Ken Cuccinelli II
Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is working with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to pass a bill that will help President Obama win congressional approval of his nuclear agreement with Iran.
The bill sponsored by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) will essentially lower the number of senators needed to approve a bad international agreement from 67 votes down to just 34 votes.
If the bill is passed, Congress will relinquish its authority over treaties and allow the president to seal a deal that removes sanctions on a state sponsor of terror and does nothing to stop its nuclear ambitions.
Thankfully, three SCF-endorsed senators are fighting back and demanding votes on amendments that could derail the bill.
* Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) is insisting on a vote that would require that Iran completely relinquish all nuclear sites before sanctions are lifted.
* Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is demanding a vote that would require Obama to certify that Iran has publicly recognized Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state before any sanctions are lifted.
* Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is pushing for a vote that would require Congress to affirmatively approve the nuclear deal in order for sanctions to be lifted.
Senator Cotton pressed the case on the Senate floor yesterday. “We have been consistently blocked from bringing up these amendments for a vote. It’s fine if you want to vote no,” Cotton said. “But we need to vote. We need to vote now.”
Unfortunately, Senator McConnell is more interested in giving the Democrats cover and passing bipartisan bills than he is with protecting the Constitution.
According to several reports, McConnell will likely file cloture on the bill next week to end debate and block these amendments. If that happens, it will once again violate McConnell's pledge to maintain an open amendment process as Majority Leader.
Please call your senators today and urge them to oppose the Corker-Cardin bill, which is toothless and won't stop the president's deal with Iran. (
Before we can stop the president from settling on a dangerous nuclear agreement with Iran, we have to stop the Corker-Cardin Iran bill.
Help us send Washington a message: don’t give the Obama administration unchecked authority to negotiate with Iran – stop the Corker-Cardin Iran bill.
Thank you for helping us elect strong conservative leaders like Cotton, Rubio, and Cruz who will stand up to the liberals in both parties.
Sincerely, Ken Cuccinelli II, President
Senate Conservatives Fund
Source: Senate Conservatives Fund (

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