Monday, June 15, 2015

Americans Opposed to TPP

Our Readers Speak

On Friday and over the weekend, many of you weighed in against the trade bills President Obama and his Republican allies of convenience are still trying to push in the wake of Friday’s defeat in Congress. The general consensus? A new Pacific agreement would be bad for America overall.

Reader Mike S. said: “The Republicans (who are supported by Big Business and the Conservative Ultra Wealthy (CUWs) have brought a number of Trade Agreements before TPP … Every one of these have resulted in millions of good-paying, Middle Class jobs being sent off shore

“Because of that, our trade deficit has grown even larger. Why should we trust that this newest Republican trade bill will be any different? Wouldn’t it be unique for the GOP to bring legislation that actually helped the average American citizen?”

Reader Howard said: “In the Great Depression period, protectionism had some positive benefits. In the current crisis, leaders seem to be trying to resolve global issues while ignoring local ones.

“We need to act locally and think globally. What is the point of any deal that harms our local people? All that does is betray common trust. Washington needs to remember whose interests it represents.”

Reader RPM. added: “The TPP trade bill is another toxic piece of unnecessary and harmful legislation. Its purpose, like that of the Patriot Act and Obamacare, is to divest Americans of their freedom to conduct their lives without interference from government or the tight group of crony corporations that curry favor through heavy lobby payments.

“American productivity would go through the roof if only government stopped ‘managing’ our free enterprise system, and simply tended our borders properly.”

Reader John had this to say: “The TPP trade deal’s secrecy cannot be explained by government people as some sort of necessity due to the sensitively of negations between the various parties. It’s clear that the bill contains some features that would be unaccepted by the American public at large, and that is why we have been kept in the dark.

“This is hardly the accepted approach to governing in a free country. There should be dialog and discussion about important bills that will have a large impact on the American people. The president’s efforts to keep the public (and U.S. lawmakers) in the dark about this package raise clear questions about exactly who will benefit from TPP, and why.”

Finally, Reader Rich said: “Trade deals are good for corporations, but deadly for workers. They send jobs overseas and the profits stay there because of taxes if brought back here.

“They are killing the Middle Class here with no jobs and lower wages. They are also killing off their business here because with lower wages, people buy less. Most other countries look out for their own. But that is not the case here, it is all about profit.”

Bottom line: It’s clear that you and your fellow investors here aren’t thrilled at all with the provisions of these trade bills, or the process by which the President is trying to get them passed. The bills aren’t dead yet, though. So we need to stay focused on what’s happening in D.C. in the days ahead.


Source: Money and


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