Sunday, June 7, 2015

Baltimore Reimbursement Scam

Thugs Burn and Loot Baltimore – You Get a $20 Million Bill for Riot Damage
After Freddie Gray died at the hands of Baltimore police, the black community took to the streets in protest. A small minority of thugs used it as an opportunity to loot and burn their community.
In order to protect property and citizens, extra police protection and emergency services were needed.
All of this overtime pay for emergency responders and damage to Baltimore city structures is estimated to cost $20 million. Guess what…You’re getting the bill.
While Baltimore has a “rainy day” fund, the city expects up to 75% of the reimbursement to come from FEMA.
Baltimore city officials are expected Wednesday to approve a request to spend $20 million of taxpayer dollars to help cover the costs of recent race protests, namely those affiliated with overtime pay for emergency responders. The $20 million is also going to be tapped to pay for property damages to city structures – but not for the dozens of businesses that were looted and destroyed in the violent street rallies, the blog the Conservative Tree House reported.
Baltimore finance director Henry Raymond said the city will use rainy day funds to cover the repairs and overtime expenses, but will then bill the Federal Emergency Management Agency for a reimbursement of up to 75 percent.
Yep, you, me, all of us who pay Federal taxes get a bill for the Baltimore riots. Keep in mind, these riots could have been prevented had the Baltimore Mayor taken proactive steps rather than accepting, actually even encouraging, destruction of property.
Even when government fails in its basic role to protect property from damage and citizens from harm, we all still get the bill.
The $20 million should be billed to George Soros, who paid the thugs to wreck the place, then distributed to the businesses whose property they damaged.  The city should sell assets if it wants to repair their damages and pay their expenses.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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