Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Confederate Flag

The Confederate flag is more a symbol of States’ rights, as enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, not racism. The Civil War did not erase the right of States to succeed from the Union. The Confederate flag has also become a symbol of a State’s right to protest an overreaching federal government that destroys our economy and our sovereignty and beings us to bankruptcy. 
Communists will say it’s about racism, but thoughtful Black Conservatives will disagree with these Communists. It’s another move by the Left to use “political correctness” to remove all symbols of Liberty to advance our socialist death spiral. The KKK flag and the NAZI flag remain the flag of choice for racists.
“The flap over the Confederate flag is not quite as simple as the nation’s race experts make it. They want us to believe the flag is a symbol of racism.  Yes, racists have used the confederate flag, but racists have also used the Bible and the US flag.  Should we get rid of the Bible and lower the US flag?  black civil rights activists and their white liberal supporters who are attacking the confederate flag have committed a deep, despicable dishonor to our patriotic black ancestors who marched, fought and died to protect their homeland from what they saw as Northern aggression.” – Walter E. Williams, Professor at George Mason University.
Communists will certainly continue to want to get rid of the Bible and the US flag and replace the US Constitution with the Soviet inspired Newstates constitution. But, thoughtful Black US citizens will certainly continue to question the real intentions of the American Communists who pretend to represent them.
I prefer the Betsy Ross flag as my flag of protest. I would choose 13 states from the Southeast (including Texas) and Midwest. Some prefer the Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flag.  Others will continue to choose the Confederate flag or the US flag flown up-side down (the official sign of distress). These flags are part of our free speech arsenal and can encourage others to exercise their free speech as well. 
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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