Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Constitutional Conservative Movement

There have always been those Americans who objected to government violating the US Constitution by passing, signing and upholding unconstitutional laws, regulations and activities. Most of our elected officials were guardians of the US Constitution for our first 100 years, but in 1872, Congress created Yellowstone National Park. 

In 1913, the Constitution took another hit with the passage of the Federal Reserve and Income Tax Acts.  In 1920 the American Communist Party published Goals that became Bills that were passed into law, ignoring the Constitution and the limits it placed on the federal. All of these Goals have been achieved.

In the 1930s, FDR created lots of unconstitutional programs, departments and agencies and even then the courts rolled some of them back. But FDR collected citizens gold and stopped redeeming US dollars for gold for citizens. FDR established Social Security.

In 1972 Nixon stopped redeeming US dollars for gold for foreigners and ended the gold standard for the US dollar

World War II established the US as the world’s policeman and the federal government grew.  In the 1960s, the federal government took on more unconstitutional activities and created welfare programs beyond Social Security.

In 2000, the National Debt was $5 trillion, but unfunded liabilities were $ 80 trillion. Now in 2015, the National Debt is $18 trillion and unfunded liabilities are $ 120 trillion.  The federal government prints and borrows money to fund 42% of its current expenses.  We are insolvent.

Constitutional Conservatives believe that the best way to fix this is to remove the unconstitutional activities from the federal government and transfer these activities to the States to return the federal government to full compliance with the US Constitution (as written) and the 10th Amendment. The federal government should then pay off the National Debt and reduce its unfunded liabilities. 

The American Communists would see their Goals disappear.  Democrats would holler like crazy. I would say, that’s what happens when you run out of other peoples’ money.

This movement has grown since 2008 and will continue to grow.  Most Constitutional Conservatives currently vote Republican, but not all. We vote for politicians whose legislative votes are constitutional and their scores are 80-100% on websites like Conservative Review, Club for Growth, New American Freedom Index, Heritage Action, Numbers USA and electtherightcandidate.us

The alternatives to Constitutional compliance would result in sovereign debt default and total economic collapse. Being enslaved by the “new world order” of UN Agenda 21 is not an option, but it is the plan our current government is implementing.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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