Monday, June 8, 2015

Fix the US Economy

Campaign Finance Reform
Our politicians don’t work for us. They work for the special interests that fund their campaigns. Campaign contributions should be limited to registered voters for politicians who appear on their ballot. There would be no outside money allowed. Special interests can exercise their free speech on their own websites. Big Money is funding the status quo and needs to get out of the way.
Create Private Sector Jobs
We have 93 million working-age US citizens who don’t have jobs.  If we freeze immigration, we can subtract 1 million a year from this group.  In addition, NAFTA and subsequent trade agreements have resulted in off-shoring US manufacturing to low cost countries. Threats of higher energy costs have further encouraged this off-shoring. Finally, the US must be allowed to increase its production of everything that has a demand.
US Unemployment Problem
The real unemployment problem was caused by excessive immigration and bad trade agreements. The solution is to freeze immigration for 10 years, the way we did during the Great Depression in the 1930s.
Removing EPA regulations on air and water should allow electrical utilities to continue to burn coal to ensure low energy costs needed to allow manufacturing and agriculture to continue and increase in the US.
Remove delays in permits to allow oil and gas drilling on government land and offshore in the US to allow our balance of trade deficit to shrink from negative $500 billion to zero,
We need to keep supplying taxpayer supported services to US citizens, but discontinue giving these to all non-citizens. No immigrants should receive subsidies of any kind.
We need to close the border, deport illegals, get out of NAFTA and WTO and Reject TPP. We need to remove threats to US sovereignty, impeach Obama, reject TPP, quit the UN.
We need to cut federal spending by $1 trillion a year by removing all unconstitutional activities from the federal government and return them to the states and the people. We then need to then allocate that $1 trillion a year from the federal budget to pay off the National Debt.
We need to attack our national debt and unfunded liabilities and begin to make the federal government to comply with the limited powers granted by the US Constitution (as written). These unconstitutional activities should be returned to the states and the people according to the 10th Amendment. Then we can begin to restore commercial activities to the Private Sector.
If we do these things, we will immediately see jobs become available to new grads and a return to normalcy.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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