Monday, June 1, 2015

GA RINO Handwringing

The RINO stampede in Georgia began with the reelection of John Padgett for State GOP Chair. They will defend the establishment not matter the cost.  The only way to keep getting the annual $21 billion in federal bribes through 2016 is to “play ball”.  Obama runs a top-down organization and prefers that states also embrace a top-down style. We have that now in Georgia; nothing bottom-up about it. If Republicans take the Whitehouse in 2016, then 2017 should see spending cuts, including cuts in grants to states.
Georgia RINOs claim paranoia over the 2016 election. They believe they may fail to take the Whitehouse in 2016 and don’t want to take any risks by “breaking up the team”. They are also afraid they will lose seats in the Gold Dome. They know Georgia is filling up with minorities and immigrants and believe these new folks will automatically vote Democrat. Meanwhile, Georgia conservatives who are disgusted with the GOP may again stay home and not vote in 2016. Our RINOs need to understand that about 25% of Georgia GOP voters are Constitutional Conservatives, inclined to vote for Rand Paul or Ted Cruz.
I applaud their paranoia to increase Republican wins, but they need to start behaving better to the voters if they want to win over Democrats and independents.
I believe we need to ban UN Agenda 21, end regionalism, reduce federal spending, debt and regulations, stop the EPA and end Obamacare and Common Core and take our lumps.
In the end, I would remove all unconstitutional activities from the federal and give these to the states according to the US Constitution and the 10th Amendment.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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