Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Rand Paul’s Detractors

Jay Bookman, AJC slams Rand Paul. This is more evidence that the AJC supports the status quo with unelected Regionalism as its poster child.
I think Rand Paul would certainly be the President we seriously need now. His task as a candidate is daunting. He is the candidate who defies the government corruption we know we have now in the US and globally. 
The cabal of Big Money criminals he is opposing includes the US media, the Chamber of Communists, the UN loving globalist Marxists, the Federal Reserve protecting Keynesian socialists and the American Communist Party. He is also feared by the RINOs. He will continue to be derided and ignored by the media. You know what Rand Paul would do by looking at his detractors.
Rand Paul would reverse their advance to establish a global government and restore the US Constitution (as written). He is not for sale. He would be a judicious, principled Constitutional Conservative and would use this “supreme law of the land” to return us to the rule of law. He would end “social engineering” government sabotage and shrink government overreach. He would force Congress to read and debate every Bill and go after waste, fraud and unnecessary “sacred cows”.  He would support term limits and real campaign finance reform. He would give our government back to us.
Rand Paul appeals to voters who believe our out-of-control federal government is destroying our private sector free market system and spends way too much on mal-investments and foreign giveaways that only do harm. He has won multiple honest polls since he entered the race. His supporters are not limited to “Libertarians”. He is a thoughtful truth-teller. He is clearly a better choice than candidates who would continue to kick the can down the road.
They don’t all know it, but Rand Paul would ignite economic growth, save the middle class and pull the working poor back from the brink of destruction.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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