Friday, June 5, 2015

The Fed’s QE Impact

I watched a group of economists discuss their analysis of how the federal government managed (fiscal) stimulus while the Fed managed (monetary) interest rates and money printing.  There was no mention of the 450% increase in the money supply over the past 7 years and its impact on future inflation.  This was a celebration by Socialists about how well the government and the Fed managed the past 7 years of Keynesian Socialist Economics and how it could improve next time.  They actually liked the fact that lower interest rates give everybody the incentive to borrow more.

There was no mention of a dollar crash or another Bankster perpetrated “Bubble Meltdown”.  They presented their favorable analyses of how little citizens were hurt so far and no mention of immigration causing our rise in working-age citizen joblessness.  In short, they didn’t dare to mention the damage that will surely follow their Keynesian experiment.

No nation has ever printed so much money and NOT had it turn into economically devastating inflation.  It always happens.

In the 1960s, the US federal government began a spending spree on the Vietnam War and the War on Poverty.  In the 1970s, the bill came due.  The sticker price of cars doubled and interest rates hit 14%. All moms went to work.

In the 2000s, the US “invested” $4 trillion on wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and another $4 trillion on UN Agenda 21 implementation “stimulus”.  Excessive immigration added 50 million foreign job-seekers.  Real unemployment is now approaching 40% for US citizens.

The National Debt has gone from $5 trillion to $18 trillion and government unfunded liabilities are approaching $200 trillion. Government borrows 42 cents of every dollar it spends. Foreign countries are abandoning the US dollar as the world’s trade currency.

The future cost of the Fed’s money printing will cost us either a 25 year Depression or the end of the United States. None of this was discussed.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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