Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Palestinian Fraud

Finally, the truth about 'Palestinians' Exclusive: Joseph Farah declares, 'There is already a two-state solution' Is there a de facto “Palestinian” state in the Middle East today? Yes, there is. And there has been one since 1946 – two years before the state of Israel came into existence. It encompasses three-quarters of the territory previously set aside for the nascent Jewish state.

Today, that “Palestinian” state, populated by up to 80 percent of those who identify themselves as “Palestinians,” is called Jordan. It was actually created as a state for a then stateless Palestinians.

So the question should be: Why is the world infatuated with the idea of creating another so-called “Palestinian” state?

The answer is simple: The simple historical truth has been obscured and distorted over decades to the point at which most people have no understanding of reality.

Interestingly, the truth was inadvertently blurted out recently by an unlikely whistleblower – Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, one of the leaders of the push for the creation of a second Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

Here’s what he said during a meeting with the head of the Jordan Football Association recently: “Jordan and Palestine are one people living in two states.”

There you have it – confirmation of what I have been saying for decades: There already is an existing Palestinian state, a large land mass populated by most of the so-called “Palestinians” alive today on planet Earth.

So, I repeat my earlier question: If we already have a large Palestinian state where most Palestinians live, why the need to create a new Palestinian state?

We keep hearing about the need for a “two-state solution” to the Palestinian problem, right? Yet there is already a two-state solution. I was implemented in the 1940s. So what we are really talking about is a three-state solution – two Palestinian Arab states and one tiny, almost microscopic by proportion, Jewish state.

I’ll tell you right now neither a two-state solution nor a three-state solution will ever stop the conflict. Because those pushing it want neither. Abbas and all other terrorist leaders want something else – a one-state solution in which, ultimately, they destroy the nation of Israel, kill and scatter the millions of Jewish people who have taken refuge there over the last 75 years and capture Jerusalem for their capital.

No Palestinian leaders have ever denied that plan.They all admit to it in moments of candor when they don’t think western media are watching. They are 100 percent consistent among their own people in fanning these flames of hatred, bigotry and genocide. That’s the reality of the so-called “Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

If Abbas and company ever get their wish for the creation of a second Palestinian state, they will immediately start working on their plan for a third with the vanquishing of the Jewish state. That’s always been the objective.

Next time you hear someone put forth the notion that only a “two-state solution” can bring about peace in the Middle East, remember what I told you. There already is a two-state solution. It was implemented a generation ago. Now, here we are talking about something that was already accomplished – something the world has forgotten.

What Abbas and the world elite are advocating today is actually a three-state solution with the “final solution” being a one-state solution and the end of the state of Israel.

If I’m wrong, why did Abbas himself make this statement: “Jordan and Palestine are one people living in two states.” For once, Abbas has told the truth. There already is a fully functioning Palestinian state in the world today – Jordan. It was formed with just that purpose in mind. That’s where most Palestinian Arabs live already. So ask yourself: Why does the world need another?



I have a dear friend who grew up in Alexandria Egypt. He told me that the Saudis emptied their insane asylums and prisons, put them on buses and dropped them off in Palestine. And, that’s where Anwar Arafat’s “Palestinians” came from.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody Ga Tea Party Leader

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