Thursday, June 18, 2015

TPA Bait and Switch

TPA and TAA passed in the Senate.
TPA passed in the House 218-208. TAA “assistance” failed.
Boehner announced that the TAA would be re-voted by the House on July 30.  Yesterday, Boehner announced that TAA would be re-voted today.  That didn’t happen.  I think he didn’t’ have the votes to pass it in the House.  So, today Boehner changed his plan and sent TPA back to the Senate without the TAA Bill.
Obama and the Democrats wants a huge TAA Assistance welfare package and that will take time to sneak through, but the pro-TPP forces are on the news channels cheerleading the TPA.
Americans are opposed to TTP, because NAFTA and WTO and other trade agreements have resulted in job loss. The cheerleaders argue that TPP will result in job increases, but nobody believes them.
Americans are also opposed to TPA Fast Track, because Obama will be free to add more excessive immigration, gun bans, carbon taxes, UN abuse, international courts and the end of US sovereignty. We already trade with these countries, so why do we need this treaty ?
If TPP will not result in a lot of job loss in the US, why is a huge TAA needed ?  It makes you go hmmmmm….
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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