Wednesday, June 10, 2015

UN Agenda 21 Implementation in the US

The US is a tough place to implement UN Agenda 21.  Most Americans think global warming is a hoax and the carbon tax is a scam. Most Americans don’t want the higher electricity costs associated with closing coal fired power plants and are wondering why we aren’t building nuclear fired power plants. They know that solar and wind power generation are 5 times more expensive than coal and nuclear.
Many US cities and counties have rejected Regionalism, because they don’t want to share their tax revenues with other cities and counties. Americans also dislike much of the predatory zoning and increased fees and fines in the Agenda 21 directed cookie cutter ordinances created by the American Planning Association. California has adopted Regionalism and their property rights are under attack by their Regional Commissions.
Most Americans are opposed to open borders and excessive immigration required to change the voter base toward Communism. They are beginning to realize that excessive immigration is the reason for our high real unemployment with 93 million jobless US citizens.
Most Americans favor US expansion of oil and natural gas drilling to close our balance of trade deficit and become energy independent. They know that would mean jobs and would increase US production.
Most Americans are fearful of the inflation that is bound to come following the Fed’s money printing and 450% increase in the money supply. They fear that the federal government debt and unfunded liabilities will result in a dollar crash and a decades long Great Depression or worse, the end of our sovereignty.
UN Agenda 21 requires all of the above to destroy the US, so they can drag us into becoming a “Region” of the “new world order” under a puppet UN global communist government run by an oligarchy of criminal Marxist Billionaires and criminal global corporations.
Most media, TV news and newspapers support UN Agenda 21, but don’t report it. Instead they support Regionalism, transit villages, public transit and new urban planning.  Most elected officials support UN Agenda 21, but never discuss it.
Our elected officials appear to be enabling UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US.  Most Americans know that they receive their campaign contributions from the same criminals who would run this one world government.  These corrupt elected officials are easy to spot.  They have voting records that are scored and these scores are maintained on several websites.  A high score means that the elected official voted for constitutional bills and against unconstitutional bills.  These scores appear on Conservative Review, the Club for Growth, New American Freedom Index, Heritage Action, Numbers USA and
It’s clear to me, that Obama is the Manchurian President, hired by George Soros to destroy the US, so the UN could take over. We need to play hardball with our elected officials now to defund UN Agenda 21 and return the federal government to full compliance with the US Constitution (as written).
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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