Sunday, June 14, 2015

Where our Jobs and Money Went

Excessive immigration accounts for 60 million jobs lost. Since 1989, we have imported about 60 million legal and illegal immigrants that took jobs in the US.  We have 93 million working-age US citizens who are jobless. We are close to 40% real unemployment.
Bad trade agreements account for $11.5 trillion in trade deficits since 1993.  That’s money that could have been spent in the US for US manufactured goods over the past 22 years.  We have lost our manufacturing base and have a service economy like Greece.  We have become a National Socialist (one-party) Republic like Hitler’s Germany.
Prior to the “new world order” crowd taking over, we had tariffs to keep our money in the US to provide jobs and capabilities. But the Marxists have taken over and they don’t like individual countries; they like one-world government using the UN as a front.
The TPP should send our annual trade deficits over $1 trillion a year.
Out top 10 importers to the US are:
China $334B
Canada $252B
Mexico $210B
Japan $108B
Germany $75B
UK $45B
South Korea $45B
France $35B
Taiwan $33B
Ireland $30B
US Trade Deficit by Year
2015  $ 732B est
2014  $ 727B
2013  $ 690B
2012  $ 730B
2011  $ 725B
2010  $ 635B
2009  $ 503B
2008  $ 816B
2007  $ 809B
2006  $ 828B
2005  $ 772B
2004  $ 655B
2003  $ 532B
2002  $ 468B
2001  $ 412B
2000  $ 436B
1999  $ 329B
1998  $ 230B
1997  $ 181B
1996  $ 170B
1995  $ 159B
1994  $ 151B
1993  $ 116B
1992  $ 85B
1991  $ 66B
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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