Thursday, July 9, 2015

Confederate Flag Needed

I see the Confederate Flag as a symbol we use to rally “Rebels”.  We need to rally Rebels to protect our States’ Rights and our right to self-determination.  
We have seen Obama morph the US from a Free Republic into a National Socialist Republic and we should rebel.  We are currently fighting against federal tyranny, oppression and threats to our economy. 
No wonder the Liberals want us to remove this flag.  It is one of the battle flags we have had for a long time. To test my theory, I would like for the State of South Carolina to replace the Confederate flag with the Gadsden flag that says: “Don’t Tread on Me”.  And see how the Liberals like that one. I don’t think they will like that one either. 
I was not born and raised in the South, so the claim that the Confederate flag represents Southern Pride would require more of an explanation for me. 
I think Southern Pride, interpreted positively, should include the economic advances made in the South over the past 60 years. We in the Southeast enjoy great weather, ample rainfall, beautiful scenery and good people.
Southern Pride might be an accurate answer from a real Southerner describing the Confederate flag when they consider their correct decision to succeed from the Union because the tariff Congress passed would have decimated their economy.
The slavery issue was used to give the Union the “moral high ground” after the Civil War had already started. I think it was a clever propaganda ruse.
After secession, the South should have entered a mutual defense pact with the Union and quietly beefed up each States’ militia to dissuade invasion and not fired on Fort Sumter.  The fact that they didn’t belies the fact that “Southern Pride” could be described as a pig-headed sin.
Knowing that the North depended on cotton shipments to fill its empty ships returning to England and cotton sales to Northern mills, the South must have had good arguments against the tariff. The South may not have been able to raise prices on cotton, but it could have offered move from slavery to sharecropping to avoid a higher tariff.
The dilemma in the South is exactly what we in the US are experiencing now. The federal government wants to load extra costs, controls and abuse on the citizens for arbitrary reasons and we are resisting. The Confederate flag should represent that resistance.
The Confederate flag is not a racist flag. Racists prefer the NASI flag or the KKK flag. Claiming that the Confederate flag is a racist flag is another clever propaganda ruse by Northern Liberals.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


  1. Your ignorance knows no bounds. Your website is great comedy!

  2. Well, I don't agree that secession was a good idea either. Daughter of the Confederacy though I am. But it's interesting to see an explanation of what the "Rebel" flag means to some of those who fly it.

    And, er um, not to feed any trolls or anything, but if anybody else out there thinks they understand Civil War history better than NTL does, the form is to explain the facts that you think are being overlooked, preferably with references. Insulting writers merely makes the *commenter* look ignorant. Of common courtesy, as well as of facts.
