Wednesday, July 29, 2015

GOP Congressional Leaders Fail

In the aftermath of Obama’s takeover of the Whitehouse and Congress, we rejected Obamacare and the job-killing unnecessary environmental regulations proposed by the Obama Administration.  We voted in 2012 to return control of the House to Republicans, but the Senate continued under Democrat control, so in 2014, we returned control of the Senate to Republicans. 

Then we discovered the Republicans were not effectively rolling back Obamacare, EPA overreach or excessive immigration.  In fact, we found Republicans supporting Obama’s Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, a threat to US sovereignty.  We saw the GOP “establishment” attack conservatives who did want to roll back these destructive laws and regulations.  We have a divided GOP with RINOs ruling the roost with “top-down” tactics designed to protect Obama’s destructive agenda.  So, where do we go from here ?

We have a major election in November 2016 and we are divided.  We have seen some attrition of RINOs in recent elections, but the majority of Republicans in Congress still earn a grade F on their Conservative Review’s scorecards.  More attrition is required, before we have the votes to repeal Obama’s economy-wrecking laws and regulations.  We will also need to elect a Republican President in 2016 to ensure that these laws are actually repealed.  But our RINOs are damaging the Republican brand.  They need to be replaced now, with leaders who will support conservative initiatives and demonstrate what Republicans would actually do if voters give them the Whitehouse, the Senate and the House in 2016.

The failures since 2015 include the failure to stop excessive federal spending and defund Obamacare and defund EPA overreach.

How can Republicans win the Whitehouse and retain control of Congress when voters will say “it doesn’t matter, the GOP is exactly like the Democrats, there is no difference” or, “the GOP has a track record of promising conservative spending reforms and then not delivering any spending cuts,” or “ Republicans join the Democrats and push through questionable trade deals like TPP and continue dangerous excessive immigration while the number of working age US citizens without jobs soars from 93 million to 104 million”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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