Saturday, July 11, 2015

Marriage Opinion Push-back

The Nation Refuses to Accept Supreme Redefinition of Marriage, 7/10/15
Not Accepted - Ruther Bader Ginsburg was wrong. Justice Ginsburg violated judicial ethics when she gave a media interview presaging her vote to redefine marriage (even before the case was briefed or argued) in which she outrageously predicted that the Supreme Court decision imposing same-sex 'marriage' would be readily accepted by the country. The evidence that the country is not embracing this ruling mounts every day.
A nationwide survey of voters conducted by Reuters found that only 51% of Americans support same-sex 'marriage' following the Supreme Court ruling - a considerably smaller percentage than many national polls found prior to the ruling - and nearly two thirds of Republicans oppose the Supreme Court decision. Reuters noted that this will likely ensure that opposition to the Supreme Court ruling will be a pivotal issue in the selection of the republican presidential nominee.
GOP Presidential Hopefuls Solidly Reject SCOTUS Ruling
Almost without exception, the Republican candidates running for president have roundly criticized the Supreme Court for its ruling imposing same-sex 'marriage.' Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker and Rick Santorum have been particularly critical, and have called for a constitutional amendment to preserve traditional marriage. Even moderates like Governor Chris Christie have taken the Court to task for their illegitimate ruling imposing same-sex 'marriage' on the nation.
Santorum Keynotes NOM Gala; Signs Presidential Marriage Pledge. Sen. Rick Santorum gave the keynote address to NOM's Second Annual Marriage Gala in Washington, DC on July 2nd. Sen. Santorum ripped the US Supreme Court for their illegitimate ruling and pledged as president to work to reverse it, saying "this will not stand," bringing the crowd of nearly 400 people to their feet.
NOM's Marriage Gala is an opportunity to bring together many of our strongest supporters from throughout the country to hear from NOM's team of leaders, including our Chairman, John Eastman, and Co-Founder, Professor Robert George. In addition to hearing from Senator Santorum, who received NOM's prestigious Marriage
Champion Award in recognition of his steadfast support for traditional marriage and his work helping NOM in its earliest days, NOM also honored Sherif Girgis with the Public Square Leadership Award. Mr. Girgis, a Rhodes Scholar, is the co-author (with Robby George and Ryan Anderson) of the book "What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense."
It was announced at the Gala that Sen. Santorum has become the first 2016 presidential candidate to sign NOM's Presidential Marriage Pledge, promising to take specific actions as president to restore traditional marriage and protect supporters of marriage against attempts to marginalize and punish them.
Sign the People's Marriage Pledge Today!
NOM expects a number of other candidates to join Sen. Santorum as signatories of the Presidential Marriage Pledge in coming days.
NOM Unveils Five Point Plan
The Marriage Gala also served as the venue for NOM to unveil our five-part plan to mitigate the damage of the Supreme Court ruling and to work to reverse it. Our plan includes:
1. Elect a pro-marriage President of the United States in 2016.
2. Hold the Republican Party and its representatives accountable to the American people when it comes to marriage.
3. Ensure Congress and state Legislatures move swiftly to pass the First Amendment Defense Act to prevent any government agency from discriminating against people or institutions that believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
4. Build and strengthen a grassroots pro-marriage movement.
5. Support actions to amend the Constitution to repeal this illegitimate decision by a bare majority of justices.
Alabama Supreme Court Asked To Reject SCOTUS Ruling
Prior to the Supreme Court ruling imposing same-sex 'marriage,' the Alabama Supreme Court was a forceful defender of its state's citizens, refusing to permit local clerks to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite orders of a federal judge to do so. Lead by Chief Justice Roy Moore, the state's highest court ruled that a lower federal court judge lacked the authority to impose an order on the state since the US Supreme Court had previously ruled that there was no federal constitutional right to gay 'marriage.' Now that the SCOTUS ruling has been issued reversing their prior ruling and imposing gay 'marriage' on the nation, the Alabama Supreme Court has invited parties involved in
the state marriage litigation to submit briefs advising the state how to respond.
In response to the request, Liberty Counsel has filed a brief with the state Supreme Court suggesting that they ignore the US Supreme Court ruling because it is unlawful and lacks constitutional legitimacy. Liberty Counsel's brief points out that the Wisconsin Supreme Court refused to follow the U.S.
Supreme Court opinion in the Dred Scott case, which said that blacks were not entitled to full protection as citizens. The organization asked the Alabama Supreme Court to similarly resist compliance with the Supreme Court ruling on marriage, saying "A judicial opinion without constitutional basis is not law and should not be followed by any state or citizen."
Judges, Clerks and Citizens Resist SCOTUS Ruling
State judges and clerks across the country are refusing to participate in giving legitimacy to the US Supreme Court's lawless ruling. A state judge in Ohio, C. Allen McConnell, recently refused to participate in a same-sex 'marriage' because doing so violates his personal and religious beliefs.
Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has said that Texas must "act on multiple levels to further protect religious liberties for all Texans" and must "immediately do anything we can to help our County Clerks and public officials who now are forced with defending their religious beliefs against the Court's ruling."
Numerous County Clerks in Kentucky and other states have refused to issue licenses to same-sex couples, saying that doing so violates their religious beliefs.
Support Grows For First Amendment Defense Act
The proposed First Amendment Defense Act is generating significant support. Yesterday the House Freedom Caucus called on the House leadership to schedule a vote on the legislation before Congress leaves on its August recess. Currently, 98 members of the House of Representatives have co-sponsored HR 2802, authored by Rep. Raul Labrador, with more representatives signing up daily. In the Senate, 25 Senators have co-sponsored S. 1598, authored by Sen. Mike Lee, including nearly all the Senators who are presidential hopefuls (Cruz, Rubio, and Graham). Rand Paul has not yet co-sponsored the legislation.
Please contact your federal representatives and ask them to co-sponsor and support the First Amendment Defense Act, which will protect supporters of marriage from being punished by the government if they do not embrace the Supreme Court's illegitimate ruling.
Faithfully, Brian S Brown
Source: National Organization for Marriage
2029 K Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006
Copyright © 2015 National Organization for Marriage.
Contributions or gifts to the National Organization for Marriage, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible. The National Organization for Marriage does not accept contributions from business corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals, or federal contractors; however, it may accept contributions from federally registered political action committees. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. No funds will be earmarked or reserved for any political purpose.

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